About the Narrator
Tom Schmidt was raised in a family of nine on a dairy farm in Kansas. He attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY, graduating in 1970 with a commission in the Infantry. He served for 25 years in command, staff, and instructor assignments, ranging from platoon to Department of the Army level. Tom and his wife, Jean, also served on OCF staff as Field Representative at Ft. Leavenworth and Director of Field Operations.
This episode narrated by LTC Tom Schmidt, USA (Ret.)
In God’s time He performs His purposes.
Today’s Scripture reading comes from Deuteronomy 7:22, quoting from the NASB:
“The LORD your God will clear away these nations before you little by little; you will not be able to put an end to them quickly, for the wild beasts would grow too numerous for you.”
Even if I want to accomplish something, if it is not God’s will, I will not be able to do it. Why would the Lord not allow something that seems a good thing for His people? We most often only perceive what is in front of us, and our tendency is to make decisions based on what we see—the facts. God, on the other hand, has all wisdom, knowledge and understanding and acts according to our best interests, based on more than is apparent to mortal man.
The fact that God will act requires faith and trust on the part of those who look to Him for help. As we trust Him, faith and confidence develop—little by little as we wait with patience. God moves on behalf of those who trust Him. Gradually, the mustard seed germinates and develops into a thriving tree. Draconian actions can overwhelm and negate good intentions. Seeds need time to develop just as the enthusiasm of a new Christian should be channeled to outlets of sound spiritual development.
Little by little, in God’s time He performs His purposes. Some leaders, thrust into positions of greater responsibility as a reward for a job well done, fizzle in their performance because they lack the wisdom that seasoning and time bring.
The route to success is through recognition of the One who is really creating the headway: “The LORD your God will.” God does the heavy lifting. Joshua could not take credit for his victorious army; God fought for Israel. Our best plan should be to cooperate with God in recognition of our mortal limitations: “You will not be able to put an end to them quickly.” Is not our challenge to recognize there is more to matters than what is in front of us? God acts on behalf of those He loves, and He has a wonderful plan for us despite present circumstances.
Points to Ponder
Over the next week, here are 3 points to ponder during your personal time of reflection or with a small group or mentor.
- First, how are you demonstrating cooperation with God in leadership on the job or in the home?
- Second, do you trust God to work all things for your good in His time?
- Third, within our flesh, God’s plans are hard to discern; through acts of trust and faith. We come to accept His intentions as good.
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