Last Updated on November 22, 2024 by OCF Communications
What does it feel like to be in one room with over 1000 military/police service members, representing 72 different nations, who love Jesus? Two words come to mind—inspiring and humbling.
Inspiring because Jesus transcended all barriers. One example is the story of Jude Wandera, a captain in the Ugandan army. I met Jude while on a sabbatical mission trip to Uganda in February, so I was excited when I saw he would be a plenary speaker at the AMCF World Conference in Brazil this past October. He shared how he was injured by gunshot to the face while on a mission and gave a moving testimony of how God miraculously saved him.
When members of the Korean Military Support Organization (MSO) found out through a prayer chain about his injury, they flew him to Korea to get reconstructive surgery at no expense to his family! What a Revelation 7:9 moment to see the people of God from different sides of the globe caring for one another. Praise God!
Humbling is the second word that comes to mind as I see how deeply dependent on God many of these global Christians are. Many come from nations that are hostile to the Word of God being preached, and yet they do it.
I was particularly struck by the commitment of the Koreans to reach beyond their borders to assist believers and to start or develop military Christian fellowships (MCFs) in other countries. The Koreans have been instrumental in starting 42 MCFs in nations that did not have them since 2003—what a vision for the work of the Kingdom of God.
I will close with a statement that has impressed itself on to my mind given by General Seriano, the President of AMCF: “There is no success if there is no successor.” This is a great challenge to us in OCF, as a reminder that it is not good enough to start great ministries that are only dependent on ourselves. We must make building, mentoring, and discipling our successor of highest priority to see God’s work succeed.
Thank you, my military brothers and sisters in Christ from all over the world for your example and challenge!

Photo courtesy of LTC John Hoyman, USA (Ret.)
What a wonderful testimony of God’s providence. Although we often see the downside of the Internet, here is a positive aspect of such a wonderful use of the rapid transmission of information. Without the Internet the Korean military believers may not have heard about Jude’s injury.
Thanks for sharing this encouraging note about the work of our Lord in military fellowships around the world! Your comment about mentoring and leaving successors is right on target. We are all here for only a short time!