Last Updated on November 20, 2024 by OCF Communications

Rooted in Service: 25 Years of Ministry in Colorado Springs for the Falconers
We’ve been involved in OCF since 1978 and Colorado Springs specifically since 1999 when we were called into cadet ministry with the USAFA OCF ministry team. In 2009 God called us to start up OCF ROTC ministry at UCCS (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs) and along the Front Range from Wyoming to New Mexico. We are currently planning our 15th Rocky Mountain joint OCF and Valor ROTC retreat at Spring Canyon for 14-16 February.
We’ve been Area Coordinators for about 10 years.
Here are a few key things happening in the Colorado Springs area, which has over 500 members:
Colin Wooten and I participated in a “Clergy Day” with Peterson SFB Chapel to discuss how local churches and ministries could help the Chaplain’s continue ministry to the military society in the event of something catastrophic happening on base, or a majority of the Chaplain’s having to deploy unexpectedly.
I had an OCF table at a Ministry Fair Day for the inaugural Space Officer Development Training class of new Space Force Lieutenants. This course was recently moved here from Vandenberg SFB and expanded from five months to 12. There will be 4-6 new classes with approximately 450-600 new students per year flowing through Peterson SFB—a definite ministry opportunity we will undertake.
Four new fellowship groups recently started in the area. Joseph and Emma Kovack started the first-ever neighborhood group in Schriever SFB housing; Josh and Lindsey Bowen’s Ft Carson “with infants/toddlers” group multiplied, with Josh and Emma Reed leading; a seed group of lieutenants at Peterson SFB started a lunch time study and hope to expand on base; and Mark and Sam Murphy started a new fellowship a couple of blocks from the OCF home office.
As always, we need more active-duty folks to not only join our fellowships but host and lead as “the fields are ripe for harvest…”
Our annual area picnic in August had 130 participants and lots of great BBQ and fellowship. Along with the Shambach’s as Mountain Region Regional Coordinators, several of our local leaders and I had the privilege of sharing about the diversity of our ministry efforts in the Colorado Springs area at the recent OCF Council Meeting here in the Springs.
God is on the move in Colorado Springs! We hope that these happenings can encourage you as you minister to our military where God has placed you.
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