Show Notes, January 2025

Got an idea for a guest or topic?

If you would like to share your own story, complete the form on OCF’s “Be a Guest” webpage. Alternatively, if you have an idea for a guest or topic we should consider for a future episode of the show, send an email to [email protected].



LT Will Parker, USN, who serves as the OCF Submarine Community Coordinator, answered this frequently asked question from another OCFer: How do you balance/integrate OCF involvement with commitment to the local church?

To learn more about church-OCF dynamics and ways you can integrate your involvement in both, visit

If you have a question that you want us to consider for a future “Ask OCF” segment, send an email to [email protected].


This month’s episode puts the guest spotlight on CAPT Terry Wichert, USN (Ret.). Having served in the U.S. Navy for 30+ years, he now serves as the executive director for Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching and Services (ACCTS), a sister ministry of OCF.

Through personal experiences and some of the 650+ recorded prayers in the Bible, such as those in the books of Nehemiah and Daniel, Terry unpacks the power of persevering prayer. He explains what prayer is and what it isn’t, gives some ideas for developing a prayer life, and viewing prayer as a way to have a relationship with our Lord and align our hearts with His.


As you listen to this conversation with Terry, here are a few questions to ponder in your personal time, with a small group, or with a mentor:

  1. Terry reminds us that God “loves for us to pray” and “hears our prayer.” How do these reminders affect your view of prayer?
  2. To pose the question Terry says he often asks other believers: Are you satisfied with your prayer life? Why or why not?
  3. Terry mentions a monthly habit of spending an entire day in prayer before the Lord. What habits might benefit you in your prayer life?
  4. When was a time you prayed often about a certain topic but ultimately the Lord orchestrated circumstances that differed from your prayers? How did you respond? How did that experience grow you in your faith in Him?

About OCF Crosspoint

OCF Crosspoint is a podcast produced by Officers' Christian Fellowship and is dedicated to sharing stories of military life at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.

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We’re looking for guests to join us on OCF Crosspoint. Everyone has a story to tell. Whether you’re a new believer or a seasoned saint, your story can impact and encourage others. Click Here to Learn More

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