Search results for "2 TIMOTHY"

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Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]relationship with Christ, and Paul’s teaching, mentoring relationship with his dear “son,” Timothy. 2 TIMOTHY 1:3. These relationships are strengthened by a constant remembrance in prayer. 2 TIMOTHY 1:4 They are marked by deep feelings–love for one another that is expressed in joy and in tears. 2 TIMOTHY 1:5. They are strengthened by personal knowledge and understanding of each other’s faith. A special spirit of boldness, and a recognition of God’s power, love and discipline , are required for leadership. 2 TIMOTHY 1:7. Boldness, power, and discipline are military words. How easy is it to be timid, weak or uncontrolled […]
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Six Generations: 3

[…]of Reliable Men The next or fifth “generation” of believers will pick up with Timothy Mallard, a young man I met and worked with when stationed in Panama. Timothy is now a Chaplain in the United States Army and on fire for the Lord and His work. He recently shared his written testimony with me and here is how it started: “My story as a Christian goes back to several formative experiences, not the least of which was a Bible study and discipleship program I experienced in Panama when I was a teenager. Many years after that…I dedicated myself to […]

Reignited Service

[…]over an issue. Then I read 2 Timothy 1:1-14 for a full appreciation of Paul’s response to Timothy’s fear. Paul acknowledged that Timothy’s “sincere faith” (verse 5) was in need of a fresh rekindling (verse 6). God reminded me that dwelling within me is the antidote to fear, which is trust. This reminder led me to an appropriate response to what troubled me. Once I quieted myself, prayed, and then acted, peace returned. God certainly has not given those who trust Him a spirit of fear. What He has given us, though, is His Holy Spirit, Who guides us to […]

Unity of Command

[…]all be one (John 17:21). One critical way believers live in unity is to pray for our leaders. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 the apostle Paul exhorts us to pray for those in authority over us. Through intercessory prayer for our leaders, believers unify with God and with each other against both military and spiritual forces. Here’s one last example to illustrate spiritual UOC. In a joint military environment, one commander commands bombers, tanks, and ships. One of those components is no better or worse than any other. They follow and trust the leadership of their one commander. So, too, the […]
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