[…]my faith? We are asking you to honestly consider this before God. The six sections that follow address the topics of priorities, position, attitude, vision, role and integration. Prayerful study and reflection upon them will help you determine godly responses to your new rank and duties. These sections contain scriptural studies applicable to both your professional and spiritual life. They will help you address all the complexity involved in the considerable responsibilities of senior national service, how it impacts on your family, and your ultimate responsibility to your Creator and Savior. Use this handbook with your Bible during your daily […]
[…]and time: 1800 on Fridays at Christian Family Chapel. Dinner is provided. Contact us for address and info. Co-leader is Mitch Conover, […]
[…]Members qualified to vote will need their voting ID (your OCF membership number, found on the
address label of your September COMMAND magazine) and voting password (your ZIP code). Vote for as many as five candidates. Members who cannot/prefer not to vote online can contact Susan Wallis at the OCF home office for a hard copy ballot: (800) 424-1984 or
[email protected]. Read more about each candidate below (listed in alphabetical order), or click here if you are ready to vote. LtCol Hezekiah Barge, USMC Education: Florida A&M, 1991, BS Computer Info Sys; Naval Postgraduate School, 2003, MS Info Sys […]
[…]College chapel. He has been active in OCF since coming to Christ as a West Point Plebe in 1960. Address by Colonel Alexander Shine, United States Army, Retired, at the USMA OCF spiritual commissioning ceremony, USMA, 29 May 2005. Adapted from the August 2006 COMMAND magazine […]
[…]alarm, or dread? Whatever your definition, that is the side of 2 Timothy 1:7 you need to address. My synonym for fear is anxious. I think I fear little, but I admit that I can get anxious about a thing or two. As recently as yesterday, I became anxious over an issue. Then I read 2 Timothy 1:1-14 for a full appreciation of Paul’s response to Timothy’s fear. Paul acknowledged that Timothy’s “sincere faith” (verse 5) was in need of a fresh rekindling (verse 6). God reminded me that dwelling within me is the antidote to fear, which is trust. […]
[…]qualified to vote will need their voting ID (your OCF member number–found on the COMMAND address label) and your voting password (your zip code). Members who cannot/prefer not to vote online may request a hard copy ballot from Susan Wallis at the OCF home office, 800-424-1984. Vote for as many as five candidates. Vote Yes or No for the proposed OCF Constitution change. At the spring council meeting in April, the Council passed the following motion to amend the Constitution: Motion: That the following amendment to the OCF Constitution be submitted to the membership for approval: “Replace the current OCF […]
[…]& Time: Tuesdays, 1300-1500 This fellowship meets in my home. Contact me for address and directions. Childcare is […]
[…]exercises within the mind and the soul. I have learned over the years that the best way to address them is to work on what you can know about yourself and your preparations, rather than on what you cannot know. Soldiers cannot predict in advance their performance in battle, but in a very clearheaded way, informed by the experiences of the millions who have gone before, they can focus on who they must be, and from that character what they must be able to do, to be successful in combat, to meet the officers’ obligations as warriors, as servants, as […]
[…]heart and mind all play out in OCF through our eight Spiritual Pillars. Pillars four and five address our key principles of being a “lay-led” ministry where “integrating faith and profession” is exhorted to our members. I believe the ability to shine the light of Christ effectively in the most difficult of our military careers’ situations depends upon how well we live out God’s instructions through Paul’s letter to the Philippians. We live in a hurting world of people desperate for answers. As a Christian, you already have the answer—Christ in your heart. If you have successfully guarded your face, […]
[…](note that usernames cannot be changed), and supply an email below. An email will be sent to the address you entered, and will contain a link that will allow you to set your own […]
[…]subscribe, select the "Subscribe on Android" button above. Your favorite application Copy the address found in the box above and paste into your favorite podcast application or news reader. Bookmark this podcast To bookmark this podcast site, press the "Ctrl" and "D" keys on your Windows keyboard, or “Command” + “D” for […]