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First Bible Studies

[…]objectives meaningful to you. Discussion Format If you are unfamiliar with a discussion format Bible Study, you will see the nature–general approach and actual questions (with desired answers)–of such a study. Participants will see the type of Bible study most often used in OCF settings. So, if the participants are unfamiliar with this whole thing called “A Small Group Bible Study,” they get to participate in this “sampler” study. Application The application portion of this study will be both personal and organizational. By the latter, I mean that similarities will be emphasized between Nehemiah and the type of ministry OCF […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]Larry is already mentoring an officer and Bobbie is making an hour-long drive to lead a women’s Bible study. Mike Tesdahl is also on the road, heading for an OCF dinner at another installation.  In Colorado, General Warner has an appointment with the King of the Universe, seeking Him first before tackling today’s diverse itinerary: budgets, speaking engagements and an extended East Coast trip. Sixty miles to the south, with Bible, journal and coffee in hand, Steve Wade is “talking to God about those I minister to before I talk to them about the God I love.”  Back in Kansas, […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]Eng Squadron, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC Ministry involvement: OCF member since 1998; OCF team, local Bible study leader, Conference Center Task Force II, Squadron Officer School and OTS Sunday School, Maxwell OCF. Anchor Points, LEAD!, ClimbOn!; Sunday school facilitator, parish council, community soup kitchen board, CGO Bible study and mentoring leader. Personal testimony: While searching for hope and healing after a hardship at the USAF Academy, a chaplain and a small group Bible study helped me see my spiritual need. I accepted Christ as my savior as a 2Lt. What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

[…]Meeting 1. Find a wingman. It may be your spouse or another couple if you are thinking of a home Bible study. Find a like-minded Christian co-worker for a workplace study. 2. Pray about starting a group, about who to invite, what to study, where to meet, time/place, etc. Let the Holy Spirit speak before launching on your own strength. 3. Invite initial participants. Face-to-face invitations work best. Using flyers, bulletin board announcements, or e-mail works better after you have an established group going. 4. Be prepared. Take a look at the many resources available on this OCF website to help […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]of your authority. This could take the extreme, for example, of requiring subordinates to attend a Bible study. A more subtle behavior would be to act in such a way that your subordinates get the impression they must participate in chapel or OCF activities in order to gain your professional approval and a good efficiency (or effectiveness) report. Such a message can be sent without your awareness or intention. The other ditch, on the right, represents inactivity or silence about your faith. You fall into this ditch when you fail to integrate your faith and your professional duties in a […]
Read more » Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

Time, Talent, Treasure: Retirees

[…]We mentored a couple having marital difficulties, inviting the husband to dinner and weekly Bible study. He came to know the Lord during the nine months of Bible study, and decided to go back to his wife and family. That was twenty-nine years ago—and they are still together. Joe Orosz: We took time during meetings to pray for the designers and contractors who shared their lives—family members in the military, illnesses, etc. During Heritage House’s construction, we prayed for the superintendent’s family member during deployment to Iraq and prayed him safely home. The superintendent had never experienced that on any […]

OCF Groups and You

[…]of you left a great OCF group behind, but there’s no OCF study where you are or else the Bible study is very different. Now what? What should an OCF fellowship group look like in this new place? An OCF fellowship group can look like a lot of things—there is no “authorized” cookie-cutter model. However, sometimes it involves changing one’s perspective from merely a consumer to that of an owner. Many of us first encounter OCF where there are paid staff members and large existing groups, such as at the military academies, with fellowship, Bible studies, and service programs for groups […]

Waging Another War

[…]study groups also started up at nearby Patrol Bases (PBs). This was the first sign that these Bible study groups in pursuit of sexual purity were having a positive impact. The need was there. And God provided for the need as men of character stepped forward to help their fellow Soldiers. The men learned about the pitfalls of viewing sensual images, of how exposure to them is comparable to a drug addict getting a fix. Men get a chemical high from viewing sexually charged images through the hormone epinephrine that’s secreted into the bloodstream. Whatever stimulus is present at the […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]disciples for Christ and sharing their faith with others through prayer, fellowship, and Bible Study. In 1969–Jon’s last year and my first–Paul Stanley’s focus was on a handful of men he felt would carry on a ministry of multiplying disciples for the Lord. He (a second generation) invested his life in Jon (a third generation) and did many of the same kinds of things that Joe Caldwell did with him–prayer, Bible Study, evangelism experiences, and Scripture memorization. He was investing time in Jon’s life that would reap eternal rewards. Paul also took me under his tutelage and spent quality time, […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]study. If there is no OCF study, ask God if you should start one. A wealth of “user friendly” Bible study material is available on the OCF website.The point–stay connected with OCF. Don’t wait for someone to contact you. Be a leader who will make a Kingdom difference. Now, what can you expect from OCF at Maxwell? We see Maxwell as a spiritual “touchpoint.” Our ministry hope is reflected in this slogan: Touch people’s lives…Grow them deep…Commission them for service Active OCF Bible study groups exist at each of the professional military school here, and several evening Bible study groups […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: ROTC

[…]Tim’s OCF involvement ramped up when he and Penny were stationed in Hawaii—he later served as Bible study leader, area coordinator and on Council—Penny also “grew up OCF.” She regularly visited the conference centers with parents Fred and Ilene Stubbs, who also hosted neighborhood Bible study groups throughout their military days, and in recent years, served at the conference centers. The same biblical principles Tim and Penny infused into their own children’s spiritual lives—and reinforced by conference center ministry—is what they as “pathfinders” pour into the lives of the ECU cadets, helping them to “follow Christ and integrate their faith […]
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