Search results for "Book of John chapter 3"

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Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]you to think of them as ever-increasing concentric circles. Your relationship with God MATTHEW 6:33. Your most important relationship is how you stand as an individual before God. This relationship provides the basis and perspective for all your other relationships. Having accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you know that God’s Word provides several very clear commands that you are to practice in order to maintain a right relationship with Him. PSALM 1. This is an excellent selection to return to frequently for reading and meditation. As a senior leader, you will be given much advice and […]
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Six Generations: 3

[…]there…I remember him standing in front of everybody in the TOC and giving us the Scripture of John 15:5, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.’ Now I remember this because at that time I was searching the Gospel to find out who this God was. I gave my life to Christ and recognized Jesus as my Lord and Savior 20 July 1996…that Scripture has stayed with me until this day. “There was something different about this man, different from […]

Unity of Command

[…]found all of them in the Bible. Later I applied them to Christian living. The military definition of Unity of Command (UOC) is: “For every objective, one person is responsible for war-fighting decisions.” 1 Our military has a Commander-In-Chief (CINC), the President of the United States. As CINC, he is ultimately responsible for war-fighting decisions. However, he does not personally make all war-fighting decisions. He delegates decision-making down through the chain of command; this is called centralized control with de-centralized execution. The theory is that there is control at the top but freedom down the line at each echelon for […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: Retirees

[…]impact on lives.” said Jeff. One such story involves committee co-laborer Joe with his son, John, both of whom participated in this past summer’s Over the Top, an outdoor adventure fundraiser for Spring Canyon. Joe and John’s father-son shared adventure, “a priceless experience I will forever cherish,” said Joe, was amped up several decibels from thrill to poignancy: last year John was severely injured in Afghanistan by a 107mm rocket blast that killed several of his soldiers, nearly amputating his right arm while shattering his left foot. Fifteen major surgeries and countless minor ones later, John has gone from “being […]
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