Search results for "Child care"

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Child Evangelism

[…]God loves you. Recite John 3:16 with your child’s name in place of “the world.” 2. Show the child his or her need of a Savior. Deal with sin carefully. There is one thing that cannot enter heaven–sin. Be sure your child knows what sin is. Ask him to name some (things common to children–lying, sassing, disobeying, etc.). Sin is doing or thinking anything wrong according to God’s Word. It is breaking God’s law. Ask the question “Have you sinned?” If the answer is no, do not continue. Urge him to come and talk to you again when he does […]

Lead Your Child to Christ

[…]God loves you. Recite John 3:16 with your child’s name in place of “the world.” 2. Show the child his or her need of a Savior. Deal with sin carefully. There is one thing that cannot enter heaven–sin. Be sure your child knows what sin is. Ask him to name some (things common to children–lying, sassing, disobeying, etc.). Sin is doing or thinking anything wrong according to God’s Word. It is breaking God’s law. Ask the question “Have you sinned?” If the answer is no, do not continue. Urge him to come and talk to you again when he does […]

Service Separations

[…]cassette tape recorder for each of you. This is especially invaluable if you have young children. Most children hate to write letters, and of course very small ones can’t anyhow, but it’s amazing how much they can find to share with Daddy on a tape! And hearing Daddy’s voice talking to them is an even bigger thrill. Our family has found tape letters invaluable in keeping communication channels open during separation. When our youngest son, Kyle, was five months old, Jerry went on a cruise, and in due course we received a tape from him. Kyle was lying on the […]

Stretchmark Sorority

[…]because they, in turn, have the burden of passing these “truths” on to their children. For example, every child must be warned that if you cross your eyes, they will sooner or later stick just like that and stay crossed for the rest of your life. Children need to learn at an early age that clean underwear is a must, in case they are in an automobile accident and have to go to the hospital. Surely they understand that there’s an official in the emergency room who divides patients into “clean underwear” and “dirty underwear” categories. Only the former receives […]
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