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[…]the mission through. Simply acting or reacting is not necessarily an effective leadership quality. Leading entails helping people see the bigger picture when “it must happen this way.” 3 Points to Ponder How do you respond to inaccurate or injurious comments? Do you fire back with insults, or are you exercising servant leader restraint? (1 Peter 2:23) How effectively do you take the spiritual high road when resolving conflicts? (James 1:20, Proverbs 15:1) When project goals are seemingly being thwarted, do you entertain the idea that God can also work through this opposition? (Romans 8:28, Acts 8:1) More […]
[…]Bibles and neon power drinks. But together they are examining what the Bible says about leading wisely and handling temptation. 1800 The heartbeat of OCF—small group fellowships—are in full swing across the continental U.S. Deep in the heart of Texas, they’re enjoying the praise night underway at Fort Hood, an aspect of Aaron and Joyce Zook’s OCF ministry also serving as a garrison event in support of the chaplaincy. Aaron has melded a rich variety of worship styles into one unified Body of Christ worshipping God. The worship styles include traditional, contemporary, Hispanic, or gospel, as well as praise […]
[…]generation, ” said Tom. “They are so faithful in their selfless service to these young men and women, modeling and exemplifying what it means to be a Christian throughout their lives,” said Bryan. “We couldn’t do it without them!” ACADEMIES Q&A One of your ministry’s most moving moments? Burt: Despite the culture shock of being one of the few Christians, one of our midshipmen studying at a Middle East university this semester has drawn strength from God’s preparation for him through USNA OCF. Stepping out in faith, he leads a Bible study with other exchange students, praying that […]
[…] action. Jon called out to his men as he literally lurched toward the enemy’s flank, leading the rest of the platoon in this gutsy move. In pursuing the smaller enemy unit, however, they soon discovered they had run into that unit’s larger force, a huge enemy bunker complex with what was later determined was about 100 NVA Regulars and two 30-caliber machineguns trained on them. The action quickly turned into a larger fire-fight in which the 3rd squadron of the 11th ACR eventually became decisively engaged. The ground trembled and opened in wide gaping holes as North Vietnamese Army […]
[…]said they didn’t have time: “You do those things that you want to do.” A senior officer leading a front-line unit in combat who met regularly with others for Bible study and coordinated other spiritual activities across a number of units responded, “It just seemed the thing to do. What should be your attitudes toward the spiritual dimensions of position, authority and rank? What principles can you identify in God’s Word? How can you apply them in your duties? Study and meditate on the following Scripture notes as you answer these questions. Psalm 75 Who really is in control of […]
[…] cadets. He also spent much of his free time with the more senior cadets who would be leading the ministry at West Point and then beginning their own ministries once they got into the Army. Jon then took me and several others as his charges (a fourth generation of believers), maturing believers who wanted to learn about and grow as Christians. This generational look at Jon’s spiritual impact on lives will be addressed more in the final part of this series. Now it is time to look briefly at his West Point days and how God used him and […]
[…]ministry who would otherwise be uninterested. In overseas duty stations a number of young men and women who are far from home will show up at chapel services. Military personnel are often referred to chaplains by the chain of command for counseling. Because of these facts, chaplains need godly men and women to help them reach out to military people with the good news of God’s love and holiness. Like those the Apostle Paul encountered in synagogues (Acts 9:20, 13:5) and in places of prayer (Acts 16:16), these people may be open to the loving witness you offer concerning the […]
[…]them earn livable wages. A portion of the shop’s net proceeds is donated to charities helping women and children escape human trafficking. The boutique also hosted a study of The Purpose Driven Life in an effort to reach local, unchurched women with the Gospel. Other outreach activities include with a local food bank, Operation Christmas Child, and a Habitat for Humanity project, where this past summer nearly a dozen Naval and Coast Guard officers, spouses and kids helped build a house. “There was a lot of manual labor, but just to be able to meet the gal that was going […]
[…]skin, males or females, we only see a person in a uniform. We treat all fellow servicemen and women with the same respect, no matter color or sex. Jesus might have had a saying like this one, “I only see hearts.” Nothing on the outside of people seemed to matter to Him. Paul wrote, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28). Paul shows exactly what matters to Jesus; not what you are or where you are, but who you are and where you’re going. You’re […]
[…]with OCF Specialty group—any of the models above but created specially for singles, women, senior officers, or whatever salient demographic at that location. Since you are OCF, your group will be what you make it at your duty station. Determine the need and start working to fill it. OCF’s website has great resources for starting/leading groups and finding other OCF groups near you. Or contact the home office link-up program for assistance. Let the home office know if you do begin a group, and encourage others in your group to officially join OCF—not just participate in an OCF group—so they can […]
[…]time in the Lord…What I found really great about the whole conference was the prayer leading up to the conference. We asked the Lord if just one came and gave his life, all would be worth it. Well on Friday night the altar was open and we had about 25, including a nine-year-old who was moved and came by himself. On Saturday before the conference started, we had a soldier who was running the track at 0530 and the praise team had just finished setting up and started playing. This individual started asking the conference staff that was around what […]
[…]and reputation grow, you will be selected for positions where you impact the organization by leading the leaders rather than the doers. An OCF installation-level ministry is like this as well, where your job is to encourage others through relationships of trust in an environment of grace. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s…” Army Rangers talk about giving “100 percent and then some.” For you as an ambassador, this means wholeheartedly accomplishing every task in ways that glorify God and taking care of all service members and families in your care. People will respect you, gravitate to you and want to […]
[…]| How to serve well in today’s military: Know God, Stand Firm, Take Action. Our men and women in uniform and their families are now serving in extremely challenging and difficult times. They are called upon to shine the light of Christ through their professional excellence, godly character, and Christ-like leadership. We will explore what it means in Daniel 11:32b to “Know their God, stand firm, and take action.” Specifically, we will unpack how this requires men and women serving today to be competent in who they are in the Lord and where He’s called them to serve; how to […]
[…]celebrate it, yes, it would have been cold in that stable! And if the restrictive way they treat women in Saudi is anything close to the traditions of Jesus’ day, then it really did go blatantly against the culture when He honored women (such as Mary, the Samaritan at the well, and the woman who touched Him in the crowd). I wish I could describe the feeling of flying across what we called the TE Line in the months prior to “Night 1” of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The TE Line was just south of the Euphrates River and marked the […]
[…]be a prayer and fellowship group from church or chapel, such as your local chapter of Protestant Women of the Chapel (contact your chaplain’s office for PWOC information). It may be from the local Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF) group, or Christian Military Fellowship (CMF) group. It may be from some Christian friends on the same street. In my case, OCF was the one place I could go by myself and not feel like a fifth wheel! If I was discouraged and frustrated (and no one is immune from this) OCF was the place where I could unload my troubles. Since […]
[…]on them. They’ll never amount to anything.” How I wish they could these young service men and women over here! They would see teens and young adults who are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for many in their country who’ve written them off as selfish, immature leeches of society. These soldiers often tell me that I give them inspiration, when, in reality, they are the ones who inspire me. They inspire me to be a better chaplain and a better servant. They inspire me to pray for them without ceasing. They inspire me to be a better soldier. We […]
[…]with compassion and restraint. I encourage you to make it a goal so that when you and the men and women you lead come home from war, you come home with nothing to be ashamed of. “Jesus is Lord” will add a dimension of ministry to your life. Through chapels, OCF, and other forums, you will seek to carry out the Great Commission. All of us are called to be active parts of the Body of Christ, “speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs” and always being “prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you […]
[podcast src=”″ height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” […]
OCF/Valor ROTC Retreat at White Sulphur Springs. Join ROTC Units from leading universities as they come together to deepen their faith and Become a Leader God can use. Our speaker is Chaplain (LTC) Dave Bowlus, USA. Discussions will be facilitated by a Junior Officer Panel as well a Panel of seasoned Senior Officers. White Sulphur Springs is beautiful in the winter. You can look forward to outdoor actives such as hiking, ice skating (weather permitting) as well as climbing wall, an ice cream social or just sitting by the fire with time to read your […]
[…]God to show you how He sees your installation (the walls of Jerusalem), and in prayer, discern His leading as you progress from a concern for others in the military, to a burden, then to a vision and finally to a plan. Leader’s Preparation In preparation for a group Bible Study, the leader should first proceed as though studying the passage just for him or herself. Then, when you have studied the passage adequately, you must decide what information to tell the group–usually because it would not be realistic for the group to discover this for themselves in the time […]
[…]leadership in order to exercise authority and esteem themselves as better than the people they are leading. These attitudes can be seen in how they interact with others and how they seek to keep themselves in power. Dictators often build networks of terror to maintain power while living in the lap of luxury. This type of behavior does not occur only in despotic countries of the third world. America has its share of leaders who seek to stay at the top of their organizations by any means, in the corporate world, in politics, and even in the military. Whether it […]
[…]act of service. Cornelius did not set out to be remembered. He had the responsibility of leading soldiers and his family. His devotion to God was neither a hinderance nor an after thought; it was his habit to beseech God on behalf of others and to do what was in his power to assist. A focused leader and faithful believer, Cornelius seamlessly integrated his faith with his profession and availed himself for God’s use. His characteristics as a “devout man” (Acts 10: 2) and his acts of prayer and giving alms pleased the Lord and are commemorated by Him. What […]
[…]catch our vision. We can’t fret over them. We just keep casting the vision out there and keep leading. Jim Hougnon is Director of Field Outreach for Officers’ Christian Fellowship. He coordinates the ministry’s activities on U.S. military installations and ships throughout the […]
[…]night. Each dad has spent a lot of time in preparation for this. Rick is doing such a fine job of leading us all along this path to arrive at this destination. Powerful fellowship that evening. What a powerful way, a spiritual way, to culminate this week. Praise for Rick and the Lord working through him. Last day, heading out. Brian does well in getting ready, packing his stuff. No hurry to rush, plenty of time. Great breakfast, wonderful prayer. Brian and some of the boys have befriended some of the camp volunteers. Good kids, clean cut, wholesome, helpful, and […]
[…]Christ. 5. Kindness is the greatest weapon in kingdom warfare. It is the major weapon of God in leading people to repentance. 6. The Word of God is our offensive weapon, “. . . the sword of the Spirit.” 7. Unity in the battle is essential. Unity is composed of two components: 1) greatest loyalty is to the supreme commander of all units, and 2) great love for all those who are under the supreme […]
by COL Rich Goldsmith, USA It is really pretty easy to start an OCF group. You have already overcome the greatest hurdle we commonly encounter-finding someone who will take the initiative. We often say that all it takes to start an OCF group is one person who will say, “Hey! My house, Tuesday, 7 o’clock. Bring your Bible!” Many a successful OCF group has started with just those simple words. Here are a few things, besides your valuable initiative, to consider: Before the First Meeting 1. Find a wingman. It may be your spouse or another couple if you are […]
[…]to needs and preferences. Check the OCF website home page for Small Group Resources and click on Leading Small Groups for an article with excellent advice by Jon Harris. Topics include prayer, Bible study, relationships and preparation to lead. A downloadable PDF and other related articles are also available. If your OCF group is effectively meeting the participants’ needs, you will see the evidence of growing affection for each other and in their desire to share the experience with others. Important: To improve from there, OCF encourages that at least once a year the leader collect feedback by using the […]
[…]countless others. Through her questions and grief she made room for action by organizing and leading the Kansas City area chapter of the American Gold Star Mothers, remembrance walks, and a local veterans’ memorial to honor the sacrifices of soldiers and their families. When others in the community lost loved ones in their service to our nation, Diana was the first and arguably the most effective person rushing to their side with support. She has become a cherished friend and the community’s most productive healer to those who are alone, hurting, or suffering emotional wounds. We see in Diana what […]
[…]the many dangerous assignments which were to be his. I heard later that Russell was the means of leading at least three of his buddies to the Lord. He was killed in the Gothic Linc in North Italy, and as a result of his last moments, when he exhibited great heroism and Christian faith, two men accepted Jesus as Saviour. I was glad for the witness in that blacked-out house, the promise to God in the crowded […]
[…]set of followers and situations—perhaps more than ever before in history. One day, we’re leading a team to accomplish a mission in a certain context. The next day, we’re in a different situation with new followers to lead—stepping into the shoes of our now-deployed supervisor, Bible study leader, or colleague. As Christian officers desiring to exercise biblical leadership—faced with constant flux and in the process of growing in our capacity to lead—how can we best prepare for our next leadership role? I offer you three “looks.” Look Back Taking a reflective pit stop is critical, especially at our Indy 500 […]
[…]they functioned in their particular roles as officer or spouse-Christians. We sensed the definite leading of the Holy Spirit as we reconvened and shared responses from the two groups. The following is a brief summary of the comments. Obviously, the lists below are not all there is to be said on the topic, but we believe they include some important insights which, to some degree, are applicable to all members of the OCF family: All officers were male except one woman who was both reserve officer and spouse. She met with the spouses. The spouse group was all female, but […]
[…]strength. Many of us will be directly involved in training, equipping, employing, planning, and leading soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines to fight this new adversary. But in order to “win” in this protracted conflict, we must recognize that there really is a fight between good and evil. Irregular warfare has been raging since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. In his book Behind Enemy Lines, Charles Kraft states “as we Christians serve our Lord and Master in this world, we are living and working behind enemy lines.” In 1 John 5:19, we are assured that we are […]
[…]the worst, we looked to God for comfort. We clung to Him even more as we learned that Darren was leading nightly patrols and experiencing frequent contact with enemy forces. Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. When we received the very sad news that one of his closest friends was killed, we were overcome more by compassion–rather than fear–for the new widow, and for Darren. Although we were thankful […]
[…]Multnomah Book, 2003. Be a Leader for God’s Sake by Bruce Winston, Regent University, 2002. Leading at a Higher Level by Ken Blanchard, Prentice Hall, 2007. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John Maxwell, Thomas Nelson, […]
[…]Immorality.” That would make clear the error of his ways and with any luck I would soon be leading him in the sinner’s prayer. I eased back in my office chair with a sense of pride at my work for the cause of Christ. Looking for additional opportunities to “help,” I asked why he was getting a divorce in the first place. His response included a detailing of his wife’s two one-night-stands, the second one resulting in a pregnancy with baby due any day. My self-righteousness abated and my soul began to ache at the realization of my sin, […]
[email protected] Day & Time: Varies, contact for details. Meets in Ash II LLC, 4th floor.
Leading the study: Bryce and Elissa Thomasson Email:
[email protected] or […]
ABOUT: Join ROTC Units from leading eastern universities as they come together to deepen their faith and answer The Call of Jesus for Military Leaders. Our speaker is Col Darren Duke, USMC. Discussions will be facilitated by a Junior Officer Panel and a Senior NCO Panel. White Sulphur Springs is beautiful in the winter. You can look forward to outdoor actives such as hiking, ice skating (weather permitting) as well as climbing wall, an ice cream social or just sitting by the fire with time to read your Bible. COST: $95 Cadet/Midshipman, $176 Single adult, $310 Cadre couple (10% discount […]
by Captain Bill Weimer, United States Navy, Retired Military men and women are well acquainted with Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders that transfer them from one duty station to another across the globe. And as they will attest to, sponsors are crucial for such reassignments, those advocates welcoming them as they report to a new command by introducing them to command leaders and personnel, and befriending and making them feel at home. But what about the day when we transfer out of this world to that actual permanent change of station ahead on the horizon for every one […]
[…](Psalm 75:6-7). Congratulations! God has exalted you for command. What a privilege to lead men and women in the defense of our nation. The following TTPs are humbly offered with the hope and prayer that something included might help you bring glory to our Lord as you serve. Pray for wisdom. Your leadership will affect lives. The Bible tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). Don’t miss out on this indispensable asset for your kit bag. We all […]
[…]be drawn to your Savior and your spouse in a new way. Pray for all of the deployed service men and women, and for their families. Search the Scriptures and claim God’s promises for your children, your spouse, and yourself. 2. Be realistic about what you can do. A perfectly planned and executed holiday does not automatically make it a happy one. Do your best to make it special, but don’t think that doing more will make it better. If you are a home front spouse this year, decide what is most important to you and just do your best. […]
by LtGen Bruce L. Fister, USAF, (Ret.) We live in challenging times. The clearest challenge to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coastguardsmen, and their families is the Global War on Terrorism. The GWOT is real, dangerous, long, hard, and critical to the defense of our nation and the freedoms it represents. Add to this the personal challenges of sickness, the loss of loved ones, difficulties with a child in school, conflict with those with whom or for whom we work, and relational issues with those we love. And then there are the challenges involving relationships with the Lord, both from inside […]
[…]emotions. What an honor and privilege it is to run this race alongside you–our military men and women and families–helping keep the light of Christ shining brightly to illuminate the paths of those around us walking in darkness. Join us! So let me once again ask, How is your Christ light shining in the places where He has you right now? If it’s dim, shout out and let OCF help rekindle its brightness. If it’s bright–use it to illuminate the paths of others toward Him who paid the ultimate price for […]
[…]we say a prayer of thanksgiving for you and your families and praise the Lord for men and women like you who have willingly answered the call to serve our nation and our Lord. As we give thanks to our Heavenly Father who loves us so much that He would sacrifice His one and only Son for us, we also give thanks to you for your sacrificial gift of service! May the Lord put a shield of protection around you and your families. We pray that soon your homecoming comes amid shouts of jubilation and tears of joy! Blessings, David […]
[…]Note: With the U.S. pullout from Iraq by year’s end, returning military men and women and their families will be challenged with unique deployment and re-entry issues. Ilene Stubbs offers suggestions–and the timelessness of God’s wisdom–for managing the process of reunion and readjustment. Normal has changed for everyone. Be patient–it takes time to get into a routine. Soldiers haven’t been on a vacation. Expect your household to be different. Keep life as routine as possible. Take time to re-adjust to one another. Go slowly. Communicate feelings. Anxiety is normal. Discuss frustrations. Accept that we are all different. Initial discomfort […]
[…]OCF. His last active duty assignment was at Wheaton College, preparing young men and women to become competent leaders in today’s military. Randy is now Midwest Regional Director for Project MedSend, a Christian organization that offers educational loan repayment grants to health care professionals, freeing them for service in medical missions. His best friend and wife Beth, and their three boys, Ryan, Tyler and Max live in Wheaton, […]
[…]rules-no children near Jesus; don’t let the crowd touch Jesus; don’t talk to Samaritan women; don’t let people waste expensive perfumes-Jesus told them to knock it off, and His rebuke was usually followed by a lecture that said, ‘You still don’t get it! We are not substituting religious rules with new rules. We are substituting religious rules with Me!‘ Jesus kept saying, ‘Follow Me!‘ not ‘Follow My Rules.’ So most of us have spent our Christian lives learning what we can’t do instead of celebrating what we can do in Jesus.”3 Focusing on doing this and not doing that and […]
[…]This is His ministry not mine. My goal is to utilize every avenue and resource so that my men and women come to know a saving knowledge of the one true God and His Son Jesus Christ. I want to do His will so that I will someday hear Him say to me, “Well done, my good and faithful […]
[…]in a community church, base chapel, or sharing with a local home group. Those OCF men and women who nurtured us in biblical truths and held us up in times of trials remain to this day our dearest friends and encouraging examples. Joe Orosz: We have seen the conference centers equip us to serve. It’s so exciting seeing second generation OCF involvement in my own family, and with other families a third generation impact. That is priceless. John Orosz: Even before everyone in my family knew what had happened to me in Afghanistan, my OCF extended family from senior staff […]
by Chaplain Mark Johnston Seated in the small plywood chapel outside Baghdad, praying men and women felt compelled to thank the Lord for sparing life in the 1st Brigade Combat Team thus far while deployed in harm’s way. Members openly prayed and thanked the Lord for His sovereign grace. Intercession was voiced aloud. At the conclusion of the service, staff officers arrived and informed us that one of our soldiers had just been shot outside of Ur — the very place Abraham left in obedience to follow the living God. The soldier who was shot was on a humanitarian mission […]
[…]allowed. It is a brief and small, but most dignified gesture to honor the fallen. The men and women at Dover are impressive, and they carry a large burden on their spirits for the nation, as they see this all too often. When I get back to the office I’ll write down, as I have for past missions, the names of those I welcomed home on a small card and place it in my notebook. I don’t want to lose their memory, nor do I want to forget the honor I have to participate in this mission. We don’t know […]
[…]not to “get stuff and have fun.” It is rather to serve Christ. We need godly Christian men and women serving in our Armed Forces. TIP: Don’t feed your face until you feed your soul. God’s Word will kindle a prayer response (Acts 17:11). 10. If all else fails, rest in the knowledge that GOD IS FAITHFUL. Think of all the times when He has carried you through a situation and you didn’t realize it until later. TIP: In faith you will learn to be certain of what you do not see. Trust Him. Rely on Him (Phil. 4:4, Heb. […]
[…]attempts to remain himself while struggling against a swirling tide of changing, independent young women were admirable—a lesser man might have jumped ship long ago, settling for mediocre conversations and emotional distance. Every God-fearing dad in some way strives to image our heavenly Father, and I believe mine has done so most notably in his use of words—both spoken and written—that reach to us even from a long way off and remind us of who we are—who we are becoming…. [Because of my father] I carry a persistent image of God as an affirming and affectionate parent…. When I cannot […]
[…]Wednesdays @ 6am at Church of the King (COTK) Biloxi Campus (920 Cedar Lake Road Biloxi, MS). Women’s Group: Wednesdays @ 6pm at COTK Biloxi […]
Local Leader: Mrs. Bobbie Simpson, Email:
[email protected], Day & Time:
Women’s study meets in the Chapel on Naval Base Kitsap on Wednesdays, […]
[…]study in the Base Chapel, at noon. Chaplain Torrey Johnson leads. Bring your own lunch. Thursday Women’s Bible Study in the Base Chapel, at noon. Miroslava leads. Bring your own […]