Search results for "bible study blessed assurance"

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First Bible Studies

[…]objectives meaningful to you. Discussion Format If you are unfamiliar with a discussion format Bible Study, you will see the nature–general approach and actual questions (with desired answers)–of such a study. Participants will see the type of Bible study most often used in OCF settings. So, if the participants are unfamiliar with this whole thing called “A Small Group Bible Study,” they get to participate in this “sampler” study. Application The application portion of this study will be both personal and organizational. By the latter, I mean that similarities will be emphasized between Nehemiah and the type of ministry OCF […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]as a Christian goes back to several formative experiences, not the least of which was a Bible study and discipleship program I experienced in Panama when I was a teenager. Many years after that…I dedicated myself to full-time Christian service, followed a call to the ministry and another call to the Army Chaplaincy.” While a Chaplain at Fort Benning, Georgia, for a mechanized infantry battalion, Timothy also led a ministry at a small chapel on the base. He was soon reassigned to Europe and found himself in a Germany-based artillery unit bound for Bosnia with another Army unit. He soon […]

Implicit Trust

[…]They manifest installment in the new position. Just as the Emperor’s word gave the private the assurance that he had become a captain, so the Word of God provides the sinner who believes and trusts in the Lord Jesus the assurance that he or she has become a child of God, has passed from darkness into His marvelous light, from death to life everlasting. Romans 10:9 (KJV) presents the Gospel succinctly: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” […]
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