Search results for "bible study blessed assurance"

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First Bible Studies

[…]objectives meaningful to you. Discussion Format If you are unfamiliar with a discussion format Bible Study, you will see the nature–general approach and actual questions (with desired answers)–of such a study. Participants will see the type of Bible study most often used in OCF settings. So, if the participants are unfamiliar with this whole thing called “A Small Group Bible Study,” they get to participate in this “sampler” study. Application The application portion of this study will be both personal and organizational. By the latter, I mean that similarities will be emphasized between Nehemiah and the type of ministry OCF […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]as a Christian goes back to several formative experiences, not the least of which was a Bible study and discipleship program I experienced in Panama when I was a teenager. Many years after that…I dedicated myself to full-time Christian service, followed a call to the ministry and another call to the Army Chaplaincy.” While a Chaplain at Fort Benning, Georgia, for a mechanized infantry battalion, Timothy also led a ministry at a small chapel on the base. He was soon reassigned to Europe and found himself in a Germany-based artillery unit bound for Bosnia with another Army unit. He soon […]

Implicit Trust

[…]They manifest installment in the new position. Just as the Emperor’s word gave the private the assurance that he had become a captain, so the Word of God provides the sinner who believes and trusts in the Lord Jesus the assurance that he or she has become a child of God, has passed from darkness into His marvelous light, from death to life everlasting. Romans 10:9 (KJV) presents the Gospel succinctly: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]Larry is already mentoring an officer and Bobbie is making an hour-long drive to lead a women’s Bible study. Mike Tesdahl is also on the road, heading for an OCF dinner at another installation.  In Colorado, General Warner has an appointment with the King of the Universe, seeking Him first before tackling today’s diverse itinerary: budgets, speaking engagements and an extended East Coast trip. Sixty miles to the south, with Bible, journal and coffee in hand, Steve Wade is “talking to God about those I minister to before I talk to them about the God I love.”  Back in Kansas, […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]Eng Squadron, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC Ministry involvement: OCF member since 1998; OCF team, local Bible study leader, Conference Center Task Force II, Squadron Officer School and OTS Sunday School, Maxwell OCF. Anchor Points, LEAD!, ClimbOn!; Sunday school facilitator, parish council, community soup kitchen board, CGO Bible study and mentoring leader. Personal testimony: While searching for hope and healing after a hardship at the USAF Academy, a chaplain and a small group Bible study helped me see my spiritual need. I accepted Christ as my savior as a 2Lt. What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]of your authority. This could take the extreme, for example, of requiring subordinates to attend a Bible study. A more subtle behavior would be to act in such a way that your subordinates get the impression they must participate in chapel or OCF activities in order to gain your professional approval and a good efficiency (or effectiveness) report. Such a message can be sent without your awareness or intention. The other ditch, on the right, represents inactivity or silence about your faith. You fall into this ditch when you fail to integrate your faith and your professional duties in a […]
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Further insights from Mike and Angie Moyles

[…]or speaking to a group. During a chemo treatment. My blog. On a podcast. I have to rest in the assurance He will do that—and I may never know the ways. It’s hard to see this truth when you’re chained to a porcelain bowl. But it’s a more powerful testimony to have faith in Him even without being healed. …Science verses God… No one told me there were well-reasoned objections to the Christian faith. That’s just something I’ve learned after over two decades of study. It became an intriguing challenge to reconcile my unshakable faith with my firm commitment to […]

Child Evangelism

[…]for her out loud. There is a good way to pronounce a blessing on her. 4. Lead your child into assurance. 5. Show him that he will have to keep his relationship open with God through repentance and forgiveness (just like with his family or friends), but that God will always love him (“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5). *If you wish to guide your child through the prayer, here is some suggested language. “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner [have child name specific sins he or she acknowledged earlier, such […]

Lead Your Child to Christ

[…]for her out loud. There is a good way to pronounce a blessing on her. 4. Lead your child into assurance. 5. Show him that he will have to keep his relationship open with God through repentance and forgiveness (just like with his family or friends), but that God will always love him (“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5). *If you wish to guide your child through the prayer, here is some suggested language. “Dear God, I know that I am a sinner [have child name specific sins he or she acknowledged earlier, such […]

Soldiers of Faith: Washington

[…]weighty duties which thou requirest of me. . .Thou gavest thy Son to die for me; and hast given me assurance of salvation, upon my repentance and sincere endeavor to conform my life to His holy precepts and example. These are not the words of a deist. These are the words of a man that walked and lived to honor God. Washington had an impact upon his men immediately upon his assumption of command. He knew that his men must have the inner faith of God to sustain them in the perilous times ahead. The day after assuming command, he […]


[…]the results to God. There are no guarantees that any of us will be promoted. But we do have the assurance that we can rest in Him. We can’t allow striving to become the center of our lives. I am finally satisfied with where I am, not worrying about the next step in my career. God knows where you are and when — or if — you will move on to the next step. He is in control. Steve Mansdoerfer retired as a major in the Air Force Reserve in 2006. Currently, he is Finance Specialist, EDMC Greenhouse Team. He […]
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