Search results for "hospitality home"

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Home Front Holidays

[…]your best to make it special, but don’t think that doing more will make it better. If you are a home front spouse this year, decide what is most important to you and just do your best. 3. Determine in advance to keep a positive outlook. Many well-intentioned souls (often including our own families) become especially “sorry for you” during the holidays. It is okay to publicly acknowledge that you would rather have your deployed loved one home, but it is also okay to truly enjoy the season. Honestly tell others that while you appreciate their concern, you have decided […]

Returning Home

[…]made in their absence and be positive about their spouse’s accomplishments. Troops may return home only to discover their spouses have become more confident and independent. They’ve had to operate alone during the months apart, and have grown by the experience. Feeling Like an Outsider Some soldiers hesitate to re-enter the family system since it’s not easy to pick up where they left off. They may feel like an outsider or appear indecisive. Perhaps the best way to return is initially as an honored guest– expecting their children to turn to the remaining spouse for permission, and letting the rules […]
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