[…]men…'” (Matthew 4:19 RSV). As a Christian officer in the military today, I need only look to Jesus for the example to follow. Jesus provides the premier lesson on leadership by focusing on three areas: serving others, doing the will of His Father, and forsaking the world’s view of leadership. Serve Others Serving others may sound like an odd way to lead. If we’re appointed as leaders, people are supposed to obey our orders and follow us. Servant leadership is not new to this age, but can be traced back to first-century Judea. In Mark’s Gospel account, Jesus redefined leadership […]
[…]to be a leader in God’s kingdom. An accurate view of authority and service JOHN 13:3-4. Before Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, He was fully aware of His authority and position in the kingdom. John takes pains to remind us that Jesus viewed His exalted position accurately. The magnificence of His act of service comes from the fact that He did not seek His own glory, but entrusted that to the Father. Instead, He used His authority and power to serve others. Submission to Christ’s authority JOHN 13:8-9. One way Christ taught His followers to be servants was by washing […]
[…]congregations contain military people who need to know more of a personal walk with the Lord Jesus. Some have never made a faith commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Others have never clarified and developed their faith so as to grow into mature disciples. In combat many will be open to the chaplains’ ministry who would otherwise be uninterested. In overseas duty stations a number of young men and women who are far from home will show up at chapel services. Military personnel are often referred to chaplains by the chain of command for counseling. Because of these […]
[…]as I loved my Lord and did not want to bring dishonor to His name. In this, as in all other areas, Jesus must be Lord. And as He is Lord, there will be integrity in your life. “Jesus is Lord” will affect your attitude toward your career. Your mission from the Army–and even more from our Lord–is not to reach some particular rank, but to serve your nation and lead and serve your soldiers. Knowing that we are called to this by our Lord frees us from the unreachable drive for personal success, to follow instead the call and […]
[…]on dusty hills, they clearly understood the support they provided. During some of my unannounced visits to the troops’ work places, I heard them talk firsthand about how their individual roles were significant and how what they did contributed to the final mission of handing over the infrastructure to the Iraqi army. Our soldiers are professional, dedicated, strong, and compassionate. Yes, they looked forward to getting home to their families and lives on American soil. But in Iraq last summer, morale was upbeat-considering they still had to take cover when sirens sounded “incoming rocket fire” from insurgents. My view is […]
[…]clear to me. It reads, “Every time the disciples started establishing rules-no children near Jesus; don’t let the crowd touch Jesus; don’t talk to Samaritan women; don’t let people waste expensive perfumes-Jesus told them to knock it off, and His rebuke was usually followed by a lecture that said, ‘You still don’t get it! We are not substituting religious rules with new rules. We are substituting religious rules with Me!‘ Jesus kept saying, ‘Follow Me!‘ not ‘Follow My Rules.’ So most of us have spent our Christian lives learning what we can’t do instead of celebrating what we can do […]
[…]for one vehicle is available. We’d love to share meals with guests! Happy to host guests for visits to OCF HQ or other staff events, family visiting their cadets or service members, or other […]
[…]as God sees fit for His good pleasure. I need to put the nose down and get back to earth just like Jesus did. Hearing Christ’s Call Jesus calls us to a lower altitude. With that lowered altitude we will start to have the right attitude. When we lower ourselves, when we live life “nap of the earth,” we will model the attitude of Jesus. Ultimately the altitude and attitude of Jesus is one of our greatest quality of life steps. When we see ourselves as servants with no rights or privileges, dependent completely on our Heavenly Father we are […]
[…]died for me and rose from the dead, and I accept Him as my Savior. Thank You for loving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” If you would like more information about Jesus Christ, His offer of free salvation, and answers to life’s many questions you may have, check out the Billy Graham Evangelical Association […]
[…]died for me and rose from the dead, and I accept Him as my Savior. Thank You for loving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” If you would like more information about Jesus Christ, His offer of free salvation, and answers to life’s many questions you may have, check out the Billy Graham Evangelical Association […]
[…]Those subordinate leaders should never get the fierce loyalty and following that belongs only to Jesus Christ. Therefore, their adherents should always see unity in the church as a primary goal over their own distinctiveness. Jesus prayed that we would all be one (John 17:21). One critical way believers live in unity is to pray for our leaders. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 the apostle Paul exhorts us to pray for those in authority over us. Through intercessory prayer for our leaders, believers unify with God and with each other against both military and spiritual forces. Here’s one last example to […]
[…]stoned as the Church’s first martyr, he “looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55). Jesus’ promise to His distressed disciples the night before He was crucified is rock solid to us as well 2,000 years later, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you […]