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[…]for one vehicle is available. We’d love to share meals with guests! Happy to host guests for visits to OCF HQ or other staff events, family visiting their cadets or service members, or other […]
[…]This community is open to anyone who desires to be empowered and equipped to make disciples of Jesus and grow as a missionary ambassador. We usually meet on Friday evenings. Please contact me for […]
[…]leading eastern universities as they come together to deepen their faith and answer The Call of Jesus for Military Leaders. Our speaker is Col Darren Duke, USMC. Discussions will be facilitated by a Junior Officer Panel and a Senior NCO Panel. White Sulphur Springs is beautiful in the winter. You can look forward to outdoor actives such as hiking, ice skating (weather permitting) as well as climbing wall, an ice cream social or just sitting by the fire with time to read your Bible. COST: $95 Cadet/Midshipman, $176 Single adult, $310 Cadre couple (10% discount company grade) RSVP: Fill out […]
[…]peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (vv. 6–7). Guard your heart. Have you placed the cause of your uncertainty at the Lord’s feet? Are you thankful for where He has you and what He’s allowing you to experience? When you do this, the overwhelming sense of peace will pour over you and your heart will be free of worries. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. […]
[…]think: He who carries the biggest stick wins. Instead of condoning Peter’s protective gesture, Jesus healed the servant’s injury and told Peter to put away his weapon (John 18:10-11). Jesus could have responded to the arresting entourage with a show of His mighty power or through a simple appeal to his Father and the thousands of angels standing by for Jesus’ use. Instead, He identified Himself as the one they sought (John 18:5). A good leader leads best with actions reflecting decisions arrived at through calm, calculated, inspired thought rather than reckless displays of power. Jesus command to Peter reveals […]
[…]own safety and survival to come to the aid of their “battle buddies,” are at the very heart of Jesus’ proclamation that, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Four WWII chaplains, who had studied and served together, put into practice one February morning in 1943 what they preached. They gave their lives so others might live. The USAT Dorchester was a converted troop ship taking 902 souls from New York to war in Europe via Greenland. Anyone who’s ever been aboard a troop ship as a passenger, with troops huddled […]
[…]to invite me to an OCF retreat at White Sulphur Springs. There Jim Wilson shared the good news of Jesus Christ and how I could know Him as my Savior and Lord. This retreat changed my life for eternity. Since then as a Christian, I have followed Jesus Christ and been involved with the OCF ministry. Austin: OCF follows you out into the Army, unlike the other Christian clubs in a college. It will be a connection we can help you make to BOLC (Basic Course) and then the first […]
[…]you should say” (Luke 12:12). And just as submariners have unique opportunities to illuminate Jesus Christ to others in the ocean depths, opportunities abound as well once back on dry land. Up in the often-overcast Pacific Northwest, Naval Base Kitsap OCF is a single snapshot of all the other OCF small groups whose military, civilian and family member attendees balance their ever changing, demanding schedules and constant deployments by regularly meeting for Bible study, and often times, meals. These OCF small groups often instantly become both family and lifeline to the attendees. And when emergencies arise, the small group members […]
[…]without an OCF study, I’ll definitely start one. Why OCF? Kit Vaughn: Gwynn received Jesus while reading the Bible, but most of his growth in Jesus came through OCF. We have found OCF as a good conduit to bring others to Jesus and encourage Christians in their faith. Jeff Silliman: With our military moves and varied church experiences, OCF was, for many years, our ‘home church’ whether we were worshipping in a community church, base chapel, or sharing with a local home group. Those OCF men and women who nurtured us in biblical truths and held us up in […]
[…]GENERAL DAVID WARNER, USAF (RET.) As partners in God’s kingdom, we carry forth the legacy of Jesus Christ Don’t you love it when the Lord reveals something new through His Word? I have read Matthew many times. And I’ll admit that I usually skim past the genealogy to get to the “meat” proclaiming the birth, life and good news about our Savior. Recently, however, my eyes were opened to two truths that penetrated my heart, ensuring that I will never again fast forward past these verses and forever ponder my lineage and legacy. Truth #1: Several weeks ago, […]
[…]keeps no record of wrongs…. always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” Jesus summed up a life lived out in love as this: “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). And even if for no other reason, we love our spouses because Jesus tells us to. Marriage is far richer when we know how to love each other effectively! And when one spouse makes it a priority, the vast majority of the time the other spouse will follow suit. Jocelyn is an award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction whose titles include Faith […]
by OCF Communications For seven decades the living waters of Jesus Christ have flowed forth, from the heart of the ministry of Officers’ Christian Fellowship—innumerable men and women making a kingdom difference by living, loving and working with others throughout the military society. No “day in the life of” is typical—Bible studies, small group fellowships, supporting the chaplaincy and so many other ministry endeavors, the kingdom work of our limitless Lord. How it all gets done is the continual flow of the Holy Spirit working through hard-working men and women, those OCF members who are the hands and feet of […]
[…]love, “Here I am. Send me!” Seek those who are lost and hurting, and be the heart and hands of Jesus for someone who’s ready to receive Him. Editor’s note: With this article, General Warner begins a series exploring our relationships with God and others. Only when we begin to understand God’s immense love and sacrifice for us, can we love and serve Him and others with all our hearts. In future articles, General Warner will delve into how other people see you, how you see others, and how you can apply your God-given calling to your daily life in […]
[…]member Glen Eden Youth Center, Inc.; assistant youth minister. Personal testimony: I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was seven years old and my great-grandfather baptized me that summer. Though I struggled through the teens and college, God placed people in my path to steer me back towards Him and I have been truly blessed. What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right now? Meeting the strategic challenge of an active anti-Christian metaculture currently present in not only the general populace but the federal government. For OCF the challenge becomes one of empowering and […]
[…]about the greatest Suffering Servant declares, “By His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus’ wounds and suffering are the venue through which we have been redeemed. Believers can rejoice because through our own lives, God uses the mystery of pain and suffering through which His eternal work shines brightly. After David came face-to-face with his scarred, miserable nature and repented, he penned marvelous words of God’s mercy that have guided sinners for centuries, “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions” (Psalm 51:1). The transformation in Diana […]
[…]stoned as the Church’s first martyr, he “looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55). Jesus’ promise to His distressed disciples the night before He was crucified is rock solid to us as well 2,000 years later, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you […]
[…]of you, such as OCF members David Ruth or Josh Gilliam, may have come face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ at RMH. In those quiet moments on the mountain, you heard and listened to the still, small voice of the Lord, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isaiah 30:21). Whether you are newly commissioned, deployed, or in a high optempo job, your time is extremely limited. Maybe you have grown restless or you’ve lost the joy in your […]
[…]like your Christ; I do not like your Christians.” His problem with the Christian faith isn’t Jesus Christ—it is us. I proved Gandhi right that afternoon with my troubled friend. My friend described his attempts to save the marriage by going to counseling after the affairs. But his wife had no interest in working on their marriage. Her adultery took them to the doorstep of divorce, and she was ready to take the next step. As he finished the story, I commented that he was handling the whole ordeal amazingly well. No one would have known the upheaval that was […]
[…]of the woman who anointed Jesus “beforehand for the burial” (Mark 14:8) is one such account. Jesus stated her act would subsequently be “spoken of in memory of her” (Mark 14:9). Death, however, need not be the event that delivers lasting memorials. Cornelius, a centurion, a leader of leaders, and a soldier is memorialized in Scripture for his consistent prayers and good deeds. An angel spoke to Cornelius and said: “Your prayers and alms have ascended as a memorial before God.” The Spirit of God used Cornelius to intervene in the life of Peter the Apostle and to deliver the […]
[…]on dusty hills, they clearly understood the support they provided. During some of my unannounced visits to the troops’ work places, I heard them talk firsthand about how their individual roles were significant and how what they did contributed to the final mission of handing over the infrastructure to the Iraqi army. Our soldiers are professional, dedicated, strong, and compassionate. Yes, they looked forward to getting home to their families and lives on American soil. But in Iraq last summer, morale was upbeat-considering they still had to take cover when sirens sounded “incoming rocket fire” from insurgents. My view is […]
[…]you are sorry for your sins and that you are willing to have Him change your way of living. Ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. The Officers’ Christian Fellowship statement of faith serves as a simple, yet eternally profound prayer to use: Inasmuch as I am a sinner and deserve the wrath of God, and since Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried, and has been bodily resurrected, according to the Scriptures, I have accepted Him as my personal Lord and Savior and am saved by His grace alone. Seek out other believers and a Bible-based church to help you grow in your […]
[…]camaraderie we have through OCF—connecting in fellowship with other military members who love Jesus, to support, equip, and encourage each other in God’s Word. Beth Dowty served as a personnel officer in the United States Air Force from 2000-2004. She is now serving as a military wife and homeschool mom. […]
[…]treating the Lord of All as some uninvited pest needing to be permanently shooed from our lives. Jesus declared in the Sermon on the Mount, “But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash” (Matthew 7:26-27). All of which underlines the real heart and core of celebrating workers and their work, particularly in the greater-than eternal economy of God’s full […]
[…]to minister effectively in the military society. As an expression of my commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His work in the military society, I will participate actively and prayerfully in the ministry of OCF with my time, talents, spiritual gifts, and financial resources. I further commit, by God’s grace, to live my life as an example consistent with biblical guidelines.'” This change to OCF’s Statement of Participation, contained in Article V of the OCF Constitution, reaffirms OCF’s commitment to minister to the entire military society and ensures we OCF members live our lives consistent with biblical guidelines, […]
[…]be, I would be wise to consider the Holy Scriptures and to pattern my questions and concerns after Jesus’ response while here on earth: Pray. When Jesus was anxious, He prayed. “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” (Mark 14:34). Desire God’s will. “Abba! Father! Everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will” (Mark 14:36). Rest confidently in Him. “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people […]
[…]to demonstrate once more what he had repeatedly failed at throughout the night. On the other hand, Jesus allowed him the opportunity to demonstrate faith and trust. One might ask: Did Simon really fail, or was his unproductive fishing tied to Christ’s master plan and call? I would think the latter. What can we draw from this from a leadership perspective? Recognize that God has a master plan. Failure is a part of living. As leaders, however, we have the ability to serve as change agents–and what agents for change we can be! Having been bounced around from shop to […]
[…]to the demands of the event or will your response come from the foundation of your spiritual life? Jesus said that everyone who hears and acts on His words is wise. That wise one will be the person all eyes turn to in the midst of tragedy and need. When I was a child, we played a game called Follow the Leader. As an adult, it is not a game. The world is watching, and those in our sphere of influence will follow our lead. The strength of our building materials will be revealed by how our life of faith […]
[…]The Samaritan woman received salvation, a regenerated life, and a chance to point others to Jesus. There is much we can learn from this encounter! The leader keeps in the forefront why he is doing what he is called to do. Jesus responded to the woman’s initial rejection with a persistent offer. Not offended, nor hardened by rejection, the leader keeps to the task. The leader removes barriers for the good of the one in need. Jesus gave the woman the opportunity to confess her past mistakes. He did so without assigning condemnation or judgment. The leader’s satisfaction comes in […]
[…]cold at night in the middle of winter there. I’d always wondered if it were really cold when Jesus was born, being so near a desert and fairly far south. If He really were born around Christmastime as we celebrate it, yes, it would have been cold in that stable! And if the restrictive way they treat women in Saudi is anything close to the traditions of Jesus’ day, then it really did go blatantly against the culture when He honored women (such as Mary, the Samaritan at the well, and the woman who touched Him in the crowd). I […]
[…]clear to me. It reads, “Every time the disciples started establishing rules-no children near Jesus; don’t let the crowd touch Jesus; don’t talk to Samaritan women; don’t let people waste expensive perfumes-Jesus told them to knock it off, and His rebuke was usually followed by a lecture that said, ‘You still don’t get it! We are not substituting religious rules with new rules. We are substituting religious rules with Me!‘ Jesus kept saying, ‘Follow Me!‘ not ‘Follow My Rules.’ So most of us have spent our Christian lives learning what we can’t do instead of celebrating what we can do […]
[…]Paul’s letter to the believers at Colossae, God challenges us that “just as we received Christ Jesus as Lord,” we are called to “continue to live in him.” This means that if we are military officers, we are to continue to live in Christ in the role of military officer. But we also have other roles and if we are married, none is more important than that of spouse/parent. Both institutions, the military profession and the family, are greedy; both demand an almost overwhelming commitment of time, thought, and physical and emotional energy. On this morning we divided the officers […]
[…]us: through our love, integrity, honor, courage in the face of danger, and our moral behavior. Jesus said, “Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl…. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:15-16). Respect for others. Developing healthy relationships with non-Christian friends and associates and accepting them where they are in their spiritual journey through life is essential to both your officership and your ambassadorship. It sets the stage for us to share the gospel. Sometimes our isolationist or conformist approaches to […]
[…]a deployed chaplain is captured in one word–incarnational.