You are qualified to be a Local Leader

2024-05-06T15:28:47-06:00Categories: Command, Latest Articles|

Have you felt called to be an OCF Local Leader but have yet to move out on that calling? Perhaps your fear of failure is as big as mine was. Is that preventing you from starting a local fellowship where none exists or joining an existing one that could benefit from your leadership?

  • OCF Mountain Central photo Mountain Central Regional Coordinators Steve and Miriam Shambach, right, on a recent visit to Fort Huachuca.

A look inside the role of OCF’s Regional Coordinators

2024-03-26T16:35:37-06:00Categories: Connected, Latest Articles|

OCF's Regional Coordinators are a small team of OCF staffers who each oversee a different portion of the map of OCF ministry. The heart of this position is one of a shepherd who develops, grows, and sustains relationships with OCF members, chaplains, and ministry co-laborers. An RC is a catalyst advancing the Lord’s Kingdom via OCF.

January 2024 Prayer Focus

2024-01-02T16:17:06-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Scripture makes it abundantly clear that the Christian life is a mission that takes place in a battle, and therefore, spiritual readiness is a necessity. And it’s not something that we can choose to ignore or try to opt out of because the consequences are deadly. We have an enemy in that battle, one that we must be aware of, whose tactics are designed to kill, steal, and destroy each one of us (John 10:10).

December 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-12-01T14:36:43-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

The songs filling the air during the Christmas season cover the spectrum of human experience, words and structure capturing the expression of our heart and soul. It’s in song, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke about the events leading up to and including the birth of Christ, that the joy and wonder of what God has done for those looking for Him is expressed. It’s Mary, chosen by God to bear His Son, rejoicing in “God my Savior” (1:47), and Zachariah proclaiming “the tender mercy of God” because of the coming Messiah (v. 78) that his own son “will go before…to prepare His ways” (v. 76).

November 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-11-30T10:06:31-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

So much of Jesus’ earthly ministry centered around the dining table. He shared meals with His disciples, friends such as Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, and even some Pharisees. He also dined with various others, most notably the fringe of society, those tax collectors and sinners who the self-righteous religious leaders looked down upon (Mark 2:15-16).

October 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-09-29T11:38:12-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Against the unapproachable perfection of God, we don’t feel holy. Our words, actions, and attitudes as accomplished sinners speak volumes to that. And we aren’t holy—that is, in our own striving outside of Christ. Holiness is imputed to us only through Christ.

Prayer first: Putting OCF’s Pray-Discover-Obey model into practice in your life

2023-09-15T16:47:17-06:00Categories: Connected, Latest Articles|

Proverbs 16:3 says to “commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” This is God’s invitation for us to transfer our ideas, plans, and wants to Him so that He can make our plans firm. This is also the essence of OCF’s Pray-Discover-Obey model, which emphasizes prayer first, planning second, and obedient action third.

July 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-11-30T10:06:54-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

When it comes to “freedom” or “liberty,” this definition is usually listed first in collective humanity’s book: the right to be able to do anything I want to do without restraint, expectations—or sometimes even consequences.

June 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-06-01T09:30:09-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

If we could see with spiritual eyes what surrounds the unseen of those spiritual commissioning ceremonies, in our humanity we would be aghast and terrified at the spiritual warfare taking place.

May 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-05-09T12:21:53-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

We are called to persevere, persist, and keep our eyes on Jesus, “to feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation,” and “to have the full assurance of hope until the end… of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

April 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-04-13T15:11:53-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

In Jesus, we receive eternal life because of His complete and total payment to remove the spiritual death sentence awaiting us if we died in our sin. His resurrection also set into motion the final countdown that is still unfolding toward God’s restoration of all things.

OCF Hospitality Homes offer a way to ‘contribute to the needs of the saints’

2023-03-29T14:50:15-06:00Categories: Connected, Latest Articles|

Through OCF’s Hospitality Homes program, an established yet growing network of OCF members who are passionate about the Biblical mandate to “contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” (Romans 12:13) have signed up as Hospitality Home hosts, opening their homes to their fellow OCF members as a place to stay, offering a meal as they travel, and connecting in Christian fellowship.

March 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-04-13T15:11:53-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Regardless of denomination, and before we can really celebrate what Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the grave means for each of us, we can never go wrong by taking a contemplative journey of repentance with Christ on His road of suffering.

February 2023 Prayer Focus

2023-04-13T15:11:53-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

The fundamentals of God’s Word must be revisited continually to readjust our stance not only for our effectiveness in the game plan Christ has established for us, but especially regarding biblical faith in Him.

Identity: Which label are you wearing?

2022-11-29T14:33:23-07:00Categories: Latest Articles|

Who am I? This question is foundational for all believers, because when we are saved by Jesus, we become a new person. Understanding the characteristics of our new nature is an ongoing process in living a life that reveals Jesus to the world.

November 2022 Prayer Focus

2022-11-14T17:06:49-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

It's amazing to think that thanksgiving was in Jesus’ heart and on His tongue to His Father as He knowingly, steadfastly walked right into what it would cost Him physically, emotionally, and spiritually to procure salvation for sinful humanity. Within moments, those He had dined and worshipped God with—who He had just conferred a special place at His table and on thrones in His coming eternal kingdom (Luke 22:28-30)—would betray, abandon, and deny knowing Him.

October 2022 Prayer Focus

2022-11-14T17:06:50-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Chaplains bear a tremendous weight in caring for the spiritual and moral well-being of service members and their families in a unique lifestyle that includes frequent moves, deployment, and combat stress. There are doors of great opportunity for God to be glorified as OCFers step out to support the chaplaincy by reaching out to their chaplains.

September 2022 Prayer Focus

2022-11-14T17:06:50-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Unless we are focused on God and His truth, alert to the temptations we personally struggle with, and vigilant of worldly lies and lures to kill, steal, and destroy our Christian faith, we are just as vulnerable to slide into compromise and right into God’s judgment.

July 2022 Prayer Focus

2022-11-14T17:06:51-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

The lure in humanity’s fallen nature to be able to do whatever we want, whenever we want, and without restraint tends to only feed that bent of human nature we all struggle with—the “freedom” of my way.

June 2022 Prayer Focus

2022-11-14T17:06:52-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Ten years ago, Colorado experienced a devastating series of wildfires throughout June, July, and August that included the Waldo Canyon fire on the northwest edge of Colorado Springs. It is the third-most destructive fire in Colorado history, destroying 347 homes.

Living the military life together

2023-01-18T17:42:21-07:00Categories: Command, Latest Articles, Small Groups|

Small group Bible studies have been part of the DNA of OCF since the ministry began in 1943. Within these small groups, there is spiritual growth, an increased understanding of what it means to be a Christian, and a resilience developed for all of life—especially life within the military.

Biblical Truths from Life’s Experiences

2024-05-28T15:21:17-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, The Christian Officer|

What parables has God given to you through the simple circumstances of your life that you can share with others? Too often Christians do not share with others what God is teaching them and doing in their lives, things that can encourage other believers and make them sensitive to God’s moving in the world—and even in their own lives.

44. Compassion

2021-11-17T12:15:48-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

What might cause you to be stingy with empathy or sympathy? Few things are worse than arrogance. Are you tempted to make your compassion for others conditional?

43. Seeing The Other Side

2021-11-17T12:15:49-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Consider that our leadership role is not always one of preventing another from his determined path. In some cases, the correction or consequence that follows will have the greater impact on a person’s decision to walk with integrity.

39. In His Time

2020-09-18T06:36:06-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Little by little, in God’s time He performs His purposes. Some leaders, thrust into positions of greater responsibility as a reward for a job well done, fizzle in their performance because they lack the wisdom that seasoning and time bring.

38. Distractions

2020-09-18T06:29:43-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

How does one keep focus when distractions and discouragement come? Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Keep focus on the big picture and ask His help. Remind yourself that what you do is for His glory.

37. Nagging Circumstances

2020-09-09T21:13:42-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

God does not abandon us in the face of weighty circumstances and pressures. Consider God’s prevailing truth and rely on His presence during your times of need for deliverance from nagging circumstances.

36. Ready or Not

2020-08-03T16:11:28-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Paul’s admonition to “show tolerance for one another in love” is not a call to disregard others’ immoral practices, but to be ready to show compassion and to sow seeds of right thinking and being.

35. Desired End State

2020-08-03T16:07:53-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Are you seeking clarity from God on a matter but are uncertain that you are hearing correctly? Do not ask for something for yourself but ask that His will in that situation be done and earnestly desire to be part of the answer.

34. Justice, Mercy & Humility

2020-08-03T16:03:29-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

What is God speaking to your heart regarding the application of justice, loving kindness, and humility? God’s preferred sacrifice is a “broken spirit and a contrite heart.” He rejects self-justification but embraces compassion.

Doing Ministry in a Box

2020-08-19T18:32:45-06:00Categories: Latest Articles|

Hollywood squares. Brady Bunch. Tic-tac-toe. Whatever you call it, OCF largely is doing fellowship in a virtual box so far in 2020 because of COVID-19. This digital frontier has not been without its share of challenges and disappointments, but amid the uncertainty, there are stories of opportunities found and unexpected blessings received from among the membership.

33. Himself For Me

2020-08-03T15:48:35-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Paul yielded to Jesus’ “all in” commitment. What about you? In your work, marriage, parenting…how are you responding to the one who was crucified so that you could live?

32. Restoration

2020-08-03T15:40:42-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Cleansing and restoration has everything to do with the integrity of who God is. As God completes His refining process, we must be mindful that if we want God to forgive us, we must be willing to forgive and help restore others.

30. Strengthen Yourself

2020-07-07T16:20:36-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

The unexpected need not derail us as we lean on Him, for it is God who guides and helps. The one whose confidence is in the Lord has no weakness a foe can take advantage of. May the Lord be our guide in all circumstances, and may He daily strengthen us to be suited for whatever comes our way.

29. A Soldier’s Memorial

2020-07-07T16:21:05-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Cornelius seamlessly integrated his faith with his profession and availed himself for God’s use. This “devout man” pleased the Lord and received His commendation. What about you? How are you consistently availing yourself for Christ’s service?

One question will shape how you view what freedom means

2020-08-17T13:49:46-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Leader Touch, Leading|

Does God really exist? Our answer to that question shapes how we think about freedom. After all, if He does not exist, then we are free to pursue as much self-gratification as possible before death. However, Christians recognize that freedom means we have freedom from fear of judgment as we seek to glorify Him and gladly submit as servants of Christ.

28. Let Us Go

2020-07-07T16:16:45-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Leaders appreciate it when followers have confidence in their word. Jesus expects no less of His followers. Choose a faith walk that relies on Christ’s reliability.

27. What Do You Want From Me?

2020-06-02T16:32:40-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

What does Jesus want from you? That your faith not fail, that you keep turning to Him, and finally, that you lead by encouraging and strengthening others who face similar circumstances. Be encouraged, Jesus stands by you.

26. Loyalty

2020-06-02T16:29:43-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Jesus paid the price of his commitment to us on the cross. Are we willing to pay the price of loyalty to Him? More aptly, why am I willing to pay the price of constancy to Christ?

25. Your Every Need

2023-02-13T12:09:42-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

“God will supply every need of yours” whether it is a financial concern, effective time management, or dealing with disgruntled people. Jesus is the resource for all our needs. As faithful followers, ours is to approach Him confidently for grace and help.

24. Are You Leading?

2020-06-02T16:21:06-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Faith and leadership are more appropriately modeled through keeping sight of how to achieve God’s purposes in and out of the workplace through godly influence, using softer tones, quieter approaches and direct resolve to see the mission through. Simply acting or reacting is not necessarily an effective leadership quality.

23. What Say Ye?

2020-06-02T16:14:57-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Are you discerning God’s voice when you find yourself speaking to many, a few, or one on one? Just as Jesus spent much time in prayer and solitude with God, the basis of our responses may be proportional to the time we spend with God in study of the Scriptures.

22. Lasting Influence

2020-05-06T19:06:44-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Positive influence on others requires full obedience. I am impressed that Noah’s influence over his sons was greater than the negative influences around them. Noah honored God, and his sons followed suit.

21. Commander’s Intent

2020-05-06T19:02:25-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

When faced with matters that seem insurmountable, revisit the full text of God’s mission for Moses, move ahead in faith, and walk confidently in the assurance of God’s presence in demanding circumstances. Courageously strive to fulfill His intent.

20. Big-Picture Perspective

2020-05-06T18:58:36-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Jesus said He “did not come to destroy lives but to save them.” If one’s tendency is to write people off when there is disagreement, might this have the same effect as “commanding fire” or wishing another dead, spiritually dead that is. The gospel message is for all people and the servant leader does not withhold the message at the first sign of personal rejection.

19. Faith Rhythm

2020-05-06T18:53:46-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Faith, like any muscle, requires exercise. Faith enlarges our leadership effectiveness, enables us to achieve the mission, and makes us more capable of serving others. Those who follow your lead will note your faith in action and prayerfully glorify God.

18. An Actionable Plan

2020-04-20T17:15:05-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

The leader whose commander is the Lord knows who controls his destiny. The tug of fleshly desires is weakened when I take my mind off my own interests and focus on God’s interests. When I do that, I am, in effect, denying myself.

16. Practice Makes Perfect

2020-04-01T21:27:49-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

When I am suddenly arrested by God’s word, it becomes immediately apparent that God is commanding my attention. He is redirecting my swayed focus to sharpen or to compel me to obedience. God sometimes invades my private world because I have lost sight of Him.

15. Compliant Clay

2020-04-01T21:28:49-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

How do you respond to shaping? I mean the kind of shaping that causes you to conform fully to the one doing the shaping. As leaders, do you reflect the positive image you desire to see in your followers?

14. Satisfaction

2020-04-01T20:40:34-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Jesus was so committed to His service that, metaphorically, it served as His physical nourishment. What about you? Does your stalwart service satisfy you as nourishment?

12. Reality Check

2020-03-05T14:05:23-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Where do we, in our leadership zeal, draw the line when it comes to pushing our own agenda or totally acquiescing to God’s divine plan? Are we convinced that God has a plan, or do we “head fake” God by developing our plan then devoutly asking His blessing?

10. Any Volunteers?

2020-03-05T13:47:26-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Who around you needs your tutelage and encouragement? Let’s imitate what Paul did for Timothy. Don’t ask for volunteers, but encourage others to fulfill their calling or act of service.

9. Question Authority

2020-02-14T12:37:32-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

So should we question God’s authority? Regardless of how righteous the question might seem, we would be wise to consider the Holy Scriptures and to pattern our questions and concerns after Jesus’ response while here on earth.

6. Don’t Work Alone! Enlist & Mentor

2020-01-24T14:03:21-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

What brings leaders to the point of task overload—the belief that only we know what’s best, perhaps distrust of others, or possibly personal ownership? How are you doing in your pursuit to invite others with similar heart and vision into your area of responsibility?

4. Faithful Leadership

2020-01-03T11:58:44-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

From a leadership perspective, I must ask: What enables Christian leaders to maintain the charge when all around us say, “Give up?” Oaths, contracts, and legal agreements bind some to the task, but that which binds the Christian and Christian leader is God’s demonstrated faithfulness.

3. A Double Portion

2020-01-03T11:39:31-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Great leaders are not satisfied with the status quo or content with mediocre gains. As a leader in the home and workplace, how comfortable are you in asking God for big things?

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