B: OCF When You PCS or Go TDY/TAD

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TDY/TAD (stay in fellowship, encourage the local OCF body and chaplain staff, and extend your family in Christ)

1. Check OCF Directory for a visible OCF member (ocfusa.org/directory) 

     a. Send email/message to establish communications (video app can provide personal touch).

     b. Is there a Bible study group meeting that you can join? Get the details.

     c. Do you need a ride to fellowship, worship, or another event? Be sure to ask.

     d. Share your anticipated arrival/departure plans. Share your number for text updates.

2. Contact the local chaplain office (www.basedirectory.com usually has phone number).

     a. Make an appointment. Try to meet with any chaplain who is available.

     b. Ask about Christian fellowship or chapel activities.

3. Pack gift/memorabilia to share that is unique to your unit/home.

4. Make contact once you arrive on location.

     a. OCF members: Arrange/confirm when you will meet the local OCF individual/body.

     b. Chaplain Office: Visit and encourage the local chaplain(s) and staff.

5. Persevere. Don’t give up quickly if you don’t reach someone the first timetry, try, try again.

Deployment (keep Christian fellowship, encourage military believers, grow in Christian witness to impact lives, encourage the chaplains/staff located with you, and meet new Christian family members)

1. Check the OCF Directory for info. Call the OCF Home Office (800) 424-1984 for additional insight.

2. Send an email to [email protected] to share your unclassified deployment dates and location. Ask for any insight that would help you while deployed and be sure to share any prayer requests as well.

3. Pack primary Bible (bring color pencils for highlighting) and load software that will help personal study.

4. Seek out accountability/prayer person or team. Who will stay in touch with you while deployed?

5. Conduct a PDO with friend, spouse, or family about how to use time (and anyone at home).

6. Develop a worship plan. How will you work hard for 6 days and enter rest in a rhythm?

7. Plan to write real cards or letters. Pack cards, stationery, and envelopes.

8. Pack a spare Bible or two that you can give to someone who needs one.

9. Bring a copy of the OCF Handbook and a “100 Days Bible Study” to work through daily.

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) (review TDY/TAD and deployment considerations, plus the following items)

1. Ask your local church or chapel to “send you.” Go with their blessing to minister anew.

     a. Ask whether your pastoral staff will send a letter of transfer/introduction once you settle in a new church. This might enable a faster integration with the new body.

2. Draft cards of appreciation and small gifts of thanks for those who impacted you over the last several years.

3. Get contact info from those you want to stay in touch with. Take pictures!

4. Make prayer cards to remember to pray for those you are leaving.