E: Chaplaincy Support

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1. Learn the name of your chaplain(s). Supporting the chaplaincy means caring about every chaplain who is serving for the free exercise of religion … regardless of their endorsing body or background.

2. Make an appointment to meet with at least one chaplain a month.

     a. Follow up with other chaplains as time allows.

     b. Get to know every chaplain you might reasonably work with or see. 

3. Note the vision/goal of the chaplain team. Learn their focus.

     a. Discover their needs and where do they want help.

     b. Listen for how to pray for them. 

     c. Note the name(s) of any on the chaplain team whom you meet.

     d. Learn about any special skill sets or training of the chaplains.

4. Invite your chaplain/team to your unit, workspace, etc. Make them welcome.

     a. Introduce them to peers, subordinates, and superiors.

5. Pray for your chaplain, their team, their family, etc.

6. Make regular visits to your chaplain. Become a friend.

7. Invite them to your home, to a meal out, to your Bible study, etc.

8. Plan for them to sit with you during mandatory events, dinners, or socials.

9. Once you know the chaplains, try to recommend the right chaplain for those in need.

10. Take a snack, a drink, or other item to your chaplain. Show that you love them.

11. Remember the civilians and contractors who support the chaplaincy’s work. Learn their names, demonstrate love to them, and encourage them.

12. If appropriate, volunteer to be part of advisory-type councils or committees. Bear your influence wisely.