Hospitality Home: LT Seth Kyler, USN, Email: [email protected], Additional Information: Can provide an overnight stay AND a meal. Offer available for men traveling alone, with a spouse, or with a...
Hospitality Home: Jeremie and Rachel Regnier. Phone: (703) 835-7763 Email: [email protected] Additional details: We invite guests for meals and/or overnight stays. We can accommodate two adults and two children. Outside...
Contact: Luke Wilder Email: [email protected] Active at Warren Church, in Grovetown. Contact me for more information on fellowship opportunities in the area.
Local Leader: Dr. Anthony & Mrs. Jeanine Randall, CH (LTC) USA (Ret) Email: [email protected] Phone: (303) 434-4181 Day & Time: Meets every other Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:30 PM. Join us...
Area Coordinator: CH(LTC) David and Marie Baum, USA (Ret) Email: [email protected] Cell: (703) 895-8852. Contact for info on fellowship opportunities in the area.
Contact: MAJ Kenton and Kimberlee Brown, USA Email: [email protected] Phone: (931) 220-4360 OCF Contacts are available to provide local information and may assist in establishing local fellowship.
Contact: CDR Mike Thompson, USN (Ret). Email: [email protected], OCF Contacts are available to provide local information and may assist in establishing local fellowship.
Hospitality Home: Jim and Sherry Brege, LTC, USA (Ret). Email: [email protected]. Phone: (404) 245-7245. Additional Information: We can provide a meal AND an overnight stay for up to 6 guests....
Contact: Maj Matt & Carrie Boyd, USAF (Ret). Email: [email protected] OCF Contacts are available to provide local information and may assist in establishing local fellowship.
Local Leader: Maj Nate Cromer, USAF Email: [email protected] Phone: 540-974-3010 Day and time: We meet Thursdays at 1730 for dinner then study. Contact for location as we rotate homes occasionally.
Local Leader: Maj Robert & Lara Hannum, USAF Phone: (478) 952-6820 Email: [email protected] Day & Time: Thursdays at 1730 for potluck supper and Bible study at Southside Baptist Church, Warner...