16. Practice Makes Perfect

2025-02-03T17:59:16-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

When I am suddenly arrested by God’s word, it becomes immediately apparent that God is commanding my attention. He is redirecting my swayed focus to sharpen or to compel me to obedience. God sometimes invades my private world because I have lost sight of Him.

15. Compliant Clay

2020-04-01T21:28:49-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

How do you respond to shaping? I mean the kind of shaping that causes you to conform fully to the one doing the shaping. As leaders, do you reflect the positive image you desire to see in your followers?

14. Satisfaction

2020-04-01T20:40:34-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Jesus was so committed to His service that, metaphorically, it served as His physical nourishment. What about you? Does your stalwart service satisfy you as nourishment?

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