Search results for "prayer"

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A day in the life of OCF

[…]Partnerships/National Capital Region. Starting his day with the Lord at 0400, followed by a prayer breakfast and an intercessory prayer meeting, OCF’s rep for developing strategic partnerships with others passionate about ministry to the military society. He’s now at a meeting with other team members finalizing the logistics for the NCR Military Ministry Summit. Then it’s off to walk the dog of a wounded warriors family he’s helping.  The day is ending as it began for Dean Millard, with the untouched budget still on his desk. It does get done, but he will need to leave on time tonight. The […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]wrote from Saudi Arabia about the ways God was working in his division. He recalled his initial prayers when he had received orders to the division in the states: “I had asked God for 20 studies, and believed He could make 30, so I could send words of encouragement. I never thought the Lord would do it this way, as we have now discovered a new meaning for ‘divide and multiply’.” God may not give you a vision for your entire military service, or even for your entire unit, but if you pray and ask, He will give you vision […]
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Follow Me

[…]gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). Second, we should seek God and His will every day. Daily prayer and meditation is key to remaining in God’s will for us. This can be done through the use of a “quiet time” or other method of prayer and scriptural meditation. Finally, by focusing on Jesus as our leadership example, we too can disregard the world’s idea of leadership and, like Him, have a clear, focused vision of what God would have us do. While we may never have to give our lives as a ransom for many, we should be prepared to do […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]Word. Prayer Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication (ACTS). Also, make your prayer list realistic: split it into multiple parts and pray over one section per day. Ask God questions about your military leadership and everything on your heart; it reminds us to listen. When He answers it enables us to see His relevance in the practical aspects of our life. Journaling Capture God’s answers to prayer and His revelations of truth (Proverbs 29:18). This is how we actively listen, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), grow, and demonstrate to God that we can be trusted as faithful stewards of His […]
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