Search results for "acts chapter 13 overview"

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Leaving a legacy of faith

[…]his profession and availed himself for God’s use. His characteristics as a “devout man” (Acts 10: 2) and his acts of prayer and giving alms pleased the Lord and are commemorated by Him. What about you? How are you consistently availing yourself for Christ’s service?   Thoughts to Ponder:   How would you like to be remembered by God…by others? What matters most to you, man’s impression or God’s?  Are you responsive to the legitimate needs of others when approached for help (non-monetary matters)? How are you using your time, talent and treasures for Kingdom building? No faithful act is […]

Speak my language

[…]five basic love languages with which we communicate love: Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. When one discovers which expression speaks the most clearly to both oneself and one’s spouse, it’s far easier to keep love alive in the marriage. Otherwise, misunderstandings and resentment can easily grow. Now we know that Rob’s love language is Acts of Service, which means he feels most loved when I do things for him, whether that’s cooking, bringing him coffee, or keeping the house tidy. My love language is Quality Time, so spending time in activities or […]
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