Search results for "Pray and Obey"

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Ministry Snapshot

[…]over 360 of them occurring throughout our nation and across the globe, including New Zealand, Korea and Norway. III. Time, Talent, Treasure: Retirees For Christians serving in our nation’s Armed Forces, even when their active duty days meld into retirement, God’s call to serve Him remains evergreen, for in age’s autumn years “…they will stay fresh and green” (Psalm 92:14), still bearing fruit.  IV. Time, Talent, Treasure: ROTC Every year the Reserve Officer Training Corps program launches several thousand newly commissioned officers into the operational military.  V. Time, Talent, Treasure: Warrior Forge Before Army ROTC cadets can be commissioned as […]

Reignited Service

[…]trust. This reminder led me to an appropriate response to what troubled me. Once I quieted myself, prayed, and then acted, peace returned. God certainly has not given those who trust Him a spirit of fear. What He has given us, though, is His Holy Spirit, Who guides us to apt responses or actions that quell our concerns and calm our anxious hearts. Further, He has given us power, love, and self-control (discipline). It is hard to imagine an earthly matter these three cannot surmount. Beware! As with Timothy, fear can cause us to stifle the gift God has given. […]


[…]people. From a close reading of John 4 Jesus models leadership that bridges cultural divides and does not quit at signs of rejection. The Samaritan woman received salvation, a regenerated life, and a chance to point others to Jesus. There is much we can learn from this encounter! The leader keeps in the forefront why he is doing what he is called to do. Jesus responded to the woman’s initial rejection with a persistent offer. Not offended, nor hardened by rejection, the leader keeps to the task. The leader removes barriers for the good of the one in need. Jesus […]

Strong to the Finish

[…]a time when God seems out of reach. Maybe your mind has raced to the worst possible conclusion and you are overcome by worry, disappointment, and fear. You may be at a point at which people are no longer allies but enemies as you fight to faithfully fulfill your responsibilities. Remember, God is at work in the midst of your struggles, helping you learn more about the love, strength, wisdom, and peace that only He can provide. Dan is the president of Encouragement FM, a former Christian camp director, and a past chair of the CCCA Board of Directors. This […]
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