Search results for "navy seal"

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A day in the life of OCF

[…]Council VP duties add to the numerous hats Jamie’s already sporting—husband, father of four, Navy captain, and Pensacola OCF interim leader. He petitions God: “If You can create this with just a word, then you can help me accomplish the tasks before me.”   0100  At any time of day, nearly 350 known OCF small group fellowships are occurring across the globe, including New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Norway and the United Kingdom. Even on deployment, OCF members and other Christians have devoted off-duty hours serving the Lord: food and clothing outreaches, creating and building schools, and baptizing new Christians, such […]

OCF at Garden Tomb

by OCF friends Captain (Royal Navy) Richard and Captain (British Army) Rosalind Meryon, who have spoken many times at OCF’s conference center in White Sulphur Springs, PA, invite OCFers travelling to the Holy Land to contact them. The Meryons oversee the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. “Rosalind and I greatly want to greet OCFers and their churches and groups. We will endeavor to welcome every one of you to this pinnacle experience during your time in Israel.” The Meryons were on the British Naval Staff in Washington, DC, from 1985-88 and back again from1992-1995 at the NATO headquarters in Norfolk, VA. […]

Whose Arm Doth Reach

[…]I began to appreciate the grisly possibilities associated with his seafaring deployments. At a navy base chapel we attended when I was in fourth grade, I learned to sing the lines of this hymn… Lord God, our power evermore Whose arm doth reach the ocean floor Dive with our men beneath the sea Traverse the depths protectively Lord, hear us when we pray and keep Them safe from peril in the deep. Its hauntingly beautiful melody gave me my first inkling of the risks involved in sea service. The second was when Dad began taking us to the aquarium…where it […]
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