You are qualified to be a Local Leader

2024-05-06T15:28:47-06:00Categories: Command, Latest Articles|

Have you felt called to be an OCF Local Leader but have yet to move out on that calling? Perhaps your fear of failure is as big as mine was. Is that preventing you from starting a local fellowship where none exists or joining an existing one that could benefit from your leadership?

Learning from the VMI ministry model to reach Generation Z

2023-04-13T15:09:11-06:00Categories: Episodes|

Today’s conversation explores a predominant topic of discussion among cadets and college students across the country today: anxiety. CH(COL) Bob Phillips, USA (Ret.), shares how he uses relationships and group Bible studies to address anxiety and point cadets back to Christ.

36. Ready or Not

2025-02-03T18:01:24-07:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Paul’s admonition to “show tolerance for one another in love” is not a call to disregard others’ immoral practices, but to be ready to show compassion and to sow seeds of right thinking and being.

35. Desired End State

2020-08-03T16:07:53-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Are you seeking clarity from God on a matter but are uncertain that you are hearing correctly? Do not ask for something for yourself but ask that His will in that situation be done and earnestly desire to be part of the answer.

34. Justice, Mercy & Humility

2020-08-03T16:03:29-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

What is God speaking to your heart regarding the application of justice, loving kindness, and humility? God’s preferred sacrifice is a “broken spirit and a contrite heart.” He rejects self-justification but embraces compassion.

33. Himself For Me

2020-08-03T15:48:35-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Paul yielded to Jesus’ “all in” commitment. What about you? In your work, marriage, parenting…how are you responding to the one who was crucified so that you could live?

32. Restoration

2020-08-03T15:40:42-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, LDNpodcast|

Cleansing and restoration has everything to do with the integrity of who God is. As God completes His refining process, we must be mindful that if we want God to forgive us, we must be willing to forgive and help restore others.

One question will shape how you view what freedom means

2020-08-17T13:49:46-06:00Categories: Latest Articles, Leader Touch, Leading|

Does God really exist? Our answer to that question shapes how we think about freedom. After all, if He does not exist, then we are free to pursue as much self-gratification as possible before death. However, Christians recognize that freedom means we have freedom from fear of judgment as we seek to glorify Him and gladly submit as servants of Christ.

May we bear His image faithfully

2020-01-16T15:05:43-07:00Categories: Leader Touch|

We need much wisdom from the Holy Spirit to bear His image faithfully. As an image bearer of God, may your identity in Christ motivate you to be a worthy representative of our Father to all who see Christ in you, the hope of glory.

The Scars of Moral Injury | Episode 014

2023-04-13T15:09:39-06:00Categories: Enduring Hardship, Episodes|

Former OCF director of field operations LTC Tom Schmidt, US Army (Ret.), sat down with COL Dave Batchelor, USA (Ret.), in the faculty lounge of the US Army Command and General Staff College, where COL Batchelor shared the candid story of his personal struggle with moral injury.

Go Make Disciples | Episode 010

2023-04-13T15:09:41-06:00Categories: Episodes, Mentoring and Discipling Others|

Life moves fast. And in the high-tempo, transient lifestyle of the military, do we really have time to pour into someone else and answer the call to make more disciples? The guest for this episode is COL Scott Kelly, USA, and he’ll share his insights on the topic of discipleship.

Following a certain God in an uncertain world

2018-06-23T12:25:59-06:00Categories: Chaplains, Embracing the Culture|

As our culture continues drifting further into a post-Christian neo-pagan worldview, Christ-followers may be tempted to spiritual panic attacks. Especially for those of us striving to integrate faith and biblical worldview into our military profession, how can we remain faithful to our call when policies and programs appear to oppose higher principles and priorities?

The Wounded Healer

2018-06-25T16:33:30-06:00Categories: Latest Articles|

A co-worker named Diana is a Gold Star mother. This remarkable woman lost her oldest son to combat action in Iraq, leaving behind a grieving wife, their baby, and other heartbroken relatives and friends. Despite her faith, and the support of family and community friends, Diana’s wounds are profound, constant companions she will likely carry with her until her dying day. By embracing her wounds through the loving embrace of the great Suffering Servant, Diana has become His partner in the lives of others. Still carrying the scars of her wounds, Diana is a visible instrument of God’s healing for others. 

A Man of Faith and War

2018-06-26T08:17:41-06:00Categories: May A Christian Be A Warrior?|

One Christian of distinction, who fought in five wars, was U.S. Army Brigadier General Gustavus Loomis. In Loomis is the ideal balance of Christian faith, devotion to family, and excellence in military service.

Battle Rhythm

2018-06-25T09:39:54-06:00Categories: Loving God|

How are you doing when it comes to sorting through the competing priorities in your life? What's your battle rhythm?

Creating Your Financial Plan

2018-06-27T14:46:54-06:00Categories: Financial Stewardship|

In Part 3, financial goals are the basis of personal financial planning. A great many people are working hard to save and invest, but do not have a plan, or at least not one sufficiently specific to assess progress.

What is Stewardship?

2018-06-27T14:45:40-06:00Categories: Financial Stewardship|

In Part 1, we ask: What do you think of when you hear someone mention stewardship? Money, talents, or ownership? For many, money is the first thing on their minds and that often leads to uncomfortable feelings.

Investing & Markets

2018-06-27T14:49:20-06:00Categories: Financial Stewardship|

In Part 5, to get beyond tithing and on to gifting you need to multiply His blessings. This is the purpose of investing, and the better we do it, the more we can give back to His work.

Smart Christian Giving

2018-06-27T14:49:55-06:00Categories: Financial Stewardship|

In Part 6, God expects us to use what we need then multiply and return the rest. The blessings of stewardship are in the giving. Knowing when and how to do it is our responsibility.

Combat Readiness

2018-06-26T08:18:58-06:00Categories: Spiritual Warfare|

We must renew our commitment to study, discuss, pray over, and apply God’s Word to every aspect of our lives, knowing that we have the victory in Christ.

Christians in Combat

2018-06-27T15:37:04-06:00Categories: May A Christian Be A Warrior?|

If we are called to embark on a campaign that we believe to be righteous, whether it be moral high ground, dangerous missions work, lifestyle evangelism, or a military campaign, then tragedy or cost cannot tarnish the truth associated with that calling.

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