Suffering & Hardship

A Faithful Approach

In this series, you’ll explore what it means to develop a faithful approach to hardship and suffering by reflecting on various Biblical principles and stories. From acknowledging the sovereignty of God in our struggles to learning how to express yourself honestly before Him, each part walks you through different facets of enduring trials. You’ll also learn about the role of silence in God’s presence, how to grieve well, and how to tell your own story in the context of His purpose. This series offers encouragement, Biblical wisdom, and practical applications for walking through hardship with faith.

Topics included in this study:

  1. Telling Our Story While Abiding In Him
  2. Persevering In The Example Of Christ
  3. Hope In The Midst Of Hardship & Suffering
  4. God’s Decisive Action In Hardship & Suffering
  5. Does God’s Silence Indicate His Absence Or Presence?
  6. Expressing Ourselves In Hardship & Suffering
  7. A Faithful Approach To Grieving Well

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