Search results for "personal devotional life"

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A day in the life of OCF

[…]outstretched hand offering her rest. The respite God provides for the Christian walk, coming from personal time spent with Him, is available whether juggling endless to-do lists—or recovering from surgery and chemotherapy as Betsy did last year. Fully engaged in the high-octane world of our nation’s future leaders, the Teutons, Burts, Austins and Wades have opened their hearts, homes and lives to mentoring these young men and women. They and their ministry teams’ schedules are jam-packed. Fruitful ministry requires balance, by prioritizing God time and family time with ministry time. The Burts especially, still raising three children, make family time […]

Finishing Strong, in Iraq and Life

[…]completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-6). Whether a military mission or in life itself, who doesn’t want to finish strong? Like the Iraqis, we have choices to make to ensure we finish our race with strength and dignity. There are some practical concepts for us from this passage in Philippians that can lead us to God’s finish line: remember each other; pray for one another; be joyous; be a partner; be confident; and do good work. We are all called to be the kind of soldiers who finish strong-on the battlefield and in life.   Danny Byram […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]when I’ve seen him laughing so much. Looking over the Scripture tonight for tomorrow’s devotional around the fire pit. The air is so clean. 0600, shave then coffee. Delicious. On the way to the lodge, the water down in the stream is so clean, so clear. Devotional went well. Brian read the scripture. Sweat-tops and hats all around the circle. You gotta love America. Group activity today is a service project. Splitting wood, hauling brush. Tiring, enjoyable, good to sweat. Team building (but no one recognized it as that…not yet). Tacos for lunch: A+++++. Awesome food! All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]in other men’s lives the character, vision, and example of his selfless, sacrificial life. To the Christian believer, life is all about serving the living Christ and living one’s own life in a sacrificial way–serving others, leading others, helping others, providing for and protecting others…and if called to do so, dying for others. While on earth, believers want to seek first His Kingdom, to be a disciple and to help others become disciples. When those are our priorities, all other necessary and needful things in life are generously provided (see John 16:33). But when other things push God and His […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]people to oneness–integrating their faith, family life and profession. Daniel lived a unified life. He spent a lifetime in government service of such high quality that even his detractors recognized it as excellent. His faith in God was an integral part of the way he executed his duties. The principles that guided Daniel Daniel was an experienced senior official who, although a foreigner, was selected by the king to become his first deputy. He would have supervisory authority over all in the land except the king himself. Those who competed for the king’s favors were jealous and set out to […]
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Six Generations: 3

[…]alert, and sat them on the steps to our barracks. I spent about ten minutes sharing my personal philosophy of life as a Christian and was compelled to talk to them about my relationship with Jon Shine, his powerful touch on my life and his heroic death in action during the Vietnam conflict. Some squirmed, others looked away…but all listened. Most seemed appreciative of my willingness to share something many of them had never heard before–nor expected to hear. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect following this session but hoped a few of them were sensitized to the Christian […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]NY; lead pastor of Chapel Next, Fort Campbell; Benchmark Adventure Ministry Advisory Board. Personal testimony: I re-dedicated my life to Christ at Marine Corps boot camp. Since then, the Lord has provided countless opportunities to be spiritually stretched. Blessings have flowed through mature mentors and encouraging peers, who’ve joined me in God’s process of growing us up. I never cease to be amazed at His faithful provision and love pointing others His direction.  What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right now? The secularization of society has dramatically impacted the spiritual operating environment in the military. While […]

Superhero’s Faith

[…]doesn’t sound very appealing to me. “Follow me!” sounds like an adventure-it sounds like life-the full life that Jesus came to provide! Living Life with God I want an adventure. I want a relationship with God the Creator and Jesus my Friend, not a formula of “Steps to Feeling Good about Yourself.” I don’t want to learn more about God; I want to know God and get so intimate with Him that I actually think of Him as the caring Father He truly is. I want to trust God at His Word like a child trusts his daddy and not […]
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