About The OCF Handbook

A Vision for Military Ministry and How We Serve Within the Military Community

This Handbook casts vision for military ministry, explains OCF, discusses the military Christian life, encourages personal spiritual growth, and gives ideas for executing member-led ministry. It is written primarily for OCF members, but it will be useful for others who work within the military ministry space. 

Most readers should go straight to the section in which they are interested, and mentors can use the various chapters to work progressively through discipleship topics.

We have organized the content starting with the big OCF picture, then moving to how our members live out their Christian lives within the military context. The next section is about equipping and engaging one another in Biblical fellowship at the local level—from Bible studies and personal mentoring to supporting the chaplaincy and ending with a focus on nurturing the family. There are sections on how to see military service as a calling, staying under authority, and thinking about spiritual threats.

The Handbook ends with chapters on the ministry’s organization, governing documents, and a few helpful single-source references and checklists (for those who love a checklist).

If you spot an error, have a suggestion, or need to ask a question, use the form below to contact us.

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There will be future editions of the Handbook, so please let us know when you find areas that need to be updated. Just fill out the form below and let us know if you’ve spotted an error, have a question, or would like to make a suggestion.

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