B: Constitution & Bylaws

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Article I – Name 

The name of this organization shall be “Officers’ Christian Fellowship of the United States of America,” further referred to herein as “OCF” or the “Fellowship.”

Article II – Purpose

OCF’s purpose is to glorify God by uniting Christian officers for Biblical fellowship and outreach, equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society.

Article III – Statement of Doctrine

The following is the Doctrinal Statement of OCF. All Council Members, Field Staff, and Support Staff who are designated by the Executive Director, must subscribe to this statement without reservation:

1. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. We believe that the Old and New Testaments as originally written are the verbally inspired Word of God and accept them as the supreme and all-sufficient authority in faith and life.

3. We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death, which is eternal separation from God; and that each human being is born with a sinful nature and cannot by his own efforts please God.

4. We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man.

5. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins as our vicarious sacrifice in accordance with the Scripture, and that all who believe in Him are cleansed of their sins by His shed blood and are justified before God.

6. We believe that all who by faith receive the Lord Jesus Christ are born again of the Holy Spirit and so become the children of God, to live with Him through all eternity.

7. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into heaven, and in His present life there as our High Priest and Advocate.

8. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust; the eternal blessedness of the saved; and the everlasting, conscious punishment of the lost.

9. We believe in the personal, visible, and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth.

Article IV – Membership

1. Membership in OCF shall be of three classes: Regular, Associate, and Honorary.

2. All applicants for Regular and Associate Membership shall subscribe to the statements of Faith, Participation, and the Biblical Guidelines without reservation. These three items are found in the OCF Bylaws.

3. The Regular Membership of OCF shall consist of present and former officers or warrant officers of the Armed Forces of the United States, and anyone training for such commissions, who subscribe to the Statements of Faith, Participation, and the Biblical Guidelines as stated in the Bylaws. 

4. The Associate Membership shall include those not eligible for Regular Membership, but who have committed to the purposes of OCF and subscribe to the statement of Faith, Participation, and the Biblical Guidelines as stated in the Bylaws. 

5. The Honorary Membership shall consist of those persons whose faith and belief are known to be in accord with the Statement of Doctrine in Article III, and who have been elected to such membership by the Council.

6. Associate and Honorary members are non-voting members of OCF.

7. Regular, Associate, and Honorary Membership in OCF shall continue unless terminated by the following provisions.

     a. Written resignation by the member.

     b. Action by the majority vote of the Council.

     c. Failure of the member to confirm interest in continuing membership within 90 days after the last of three attempts to deliver written communication.

Article V – Council

1. Composition and Term of Office

     a. OCF shall be governed by a Council consisting of not less than six and not more than twenty-two Regular Members of OCF, including the Executive Director. No other staff member is eligible to serve on the Council.

     b. The OCF Council functions as the OCF Board of Directors

2. Council Responsibilities

     a. The corporate role of the Council is to:

             1. Determine the OCF’s vision, mission, purposes, and strategic direction.

             2. Provide policies to achieve vision and strategic intent.

             3. Select, onboard, and transition the ED to implement vision, mission, and strategic direction; empower, support, and provide oversight of the ED

             4. Ensure fiduciary and financial integrity to maintain OCF’s viability and sustainability.

             5. Monitor organizational health, including over-the-horizon health. Set priorities.

             6. Account to God for a Christ-like organization, anchored in Scripture and orthodox in faith. Codify and cultivate organizational values.

             7. Develop and engage strategic stakeholders both internal and external to the organization. Advance and advocate for OCF’s vision inside and outside the military. Raise friends and funds.

             8. Self-govern by structuring the Council and onboarding, developing, evaluating, and transitioning Council Members.

     b. The Council is authorized to make such Bylaws and Governance policies as are necessary for the orderly conduct of the Council and the affairs of the Fellowship.

Article VI – Officers

1. The OCF Council officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

2. The officers of the Corporation shall consist of the Executive Director, Director of Finance, and the four OCF Council officers.

3. Officers of OCF shall be elected by the Council for a one-year term.

4. Officers of OCF shall be elected at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the fiscal year. Installation of the new Council Members and Officers shall become effective on the first day of the following June or as directed by the Council.

5. The title of President Emeritus shall be conferred upon those who are distinguished in past service as President of OCF entitles them to honorary status. This title shall be conferred by a two-thirds vote of the Council on those former Presidents nominated by members of the Council or by the Executive Director and may be retracted by the same procedure. President Emeritus status confers the right to attend Council meetings as an official part in the Council discussions. It does not include the right to make or second motions or to vote on questions before the Council.

Article VII – Executive Director 

1. The Executive Director is charged with the management of OCF under the authority and guidance of the Council. 

2. The Executive Director  shall be appointed to a term of unspecified length upon affirmative vote by two-thirds of the Membership of the Council. Termination of the appointment by the Council also requires the vote of two-thirds of the Membership of the Council. The vote in each instance shall be by written ballot.

3. The Executive Director shall be assisted by a Support Staff and Field Staff.

4. The Executive Director shall select and appoint the Support Staff without Council approval. With the consultation and advice of the Council, the Executive Director shall select and appoint the Field Staff to positions authorized by the Council.

5. All salaries shall be established by the Executive Director, except for that of the Executive Director, which shall be established by the Council.

6. The Executive Director shall establish appropriate procedures for informing the Regular Membership of a proposed Constitutional Amendment of substantive changes to it and report the results to the Council and the voters. 

Article VIII – Ratification. 

This Constitution shall be declared ratified upon approval by two-thirds of those voting in a ballot conducted as directed by the Council among the Regular Membership of OCF.

Article IX – Amendments

1. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Council or ten Regular members.

2. Amendments will be adopted when approved by two-thirds of those voting in a ballot conducted as directed by the Council among the Regular Membership of OCF.

3. Any typographical errors that do not affect the intent, specified requirements, authority, or application of the Constitution may be corrected by a majority vote of the Council.


The bylaws state that OCF’s principal office and place of business is in Colorado, and they specify Council powers, qualifications, committees, budgets, meetings, and officer elections, as well as Corporation Staff, Guidelines for Member Conduct, and other legal requirements. The bylaws are updated by the Council as needed, so are not reproduced here. Please contact the OCF Home Office with questions, (800) 424-1984.