About Dondi
Dondi, a retired major general who most recently served as the eighteenth Air Force Chief of Chaplains, currently serves as the third president of Charleston Southern University in South Carolina. An ordained Southern Baptist minister, as Chief of Chaplains Dondi established guidance and provided advice on all matters pertaining to the religious and moral welfare of Air Force personnel and their families. He and his wife, Vickey, have been married for over 30 years.
Ephesians: Walk Worthy!
Dondi Costin
Ephesians 4:1 commands us to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called.” Knowing that we can never live in a way that would make us worthy of God’s free gift of salvation, we are called to live completely surrendered to the Savior as He conforms us to His image. We “walk worthy” when our priorities align with Christ’s, and we live our calling when our character conforms to His. In this six-part video series, we explore how the Spirit of God uses the Word of God to help us walk worthy of God.
In this series
Each session has a handout and a link to watch the session on YouTube, or scroll down to watch video sessions from this site.