Join our network of Hospitality Homes

Join our network of Hospitality Homes! By volunteering, you can welcome fellow OCF members into your home for coffee, a meal, or an overnight stay, fulfilling the call to “contribute to the needs of the saints and show hospitality.” Whether you’re considering hosting or looking for a place to stay, read on for more details and how to get involved!

Hous Waring visits Hospitality Home hosts Ian and Mary Sankey (and their newborn).

What are Hospitality Homes?

When you sign up to be a Hospitality Home, you are the one who opens your home, and thus your lives, to strangers. Some key things that OCF Hospitality Homes provide:

  • A bed and/or fellowship over a meal for those who are passing through, visiting, or moving into the area.
  • The opportunity for others to see Christian love in action—each of you has various giftings, and you don’t have to have a perfect home to welcome strangers in … you need the Holy Spirit dwelling within you!
  • Boundaries. Know what is acceptable to you and communicate clearly if your conscience or home will be strained or harmed by your guests. Be gracious but share honestly.
  • Send your guests out by praying for them and offering a coffee for the road. If appropriate, stay in touch.

Tips and Takeaways

  • Hosting is a form of support to the military community, service, and ministry. It may be especially suited for those who have separated or retired from military service.
  • Many say that after taking off their uniform, they no longer feel connected to those still serving. Being a Hospitality Home may help you stay connected if OCF members stop by.
  • Being a HH covers that gap: serving a meal and/or hosting an overnight stay to another believer in the military is a great way to connect with other believers in in the military community.
  • It’s OK to only host guests for a meal and not for an overnight stay.
  • It’s OK to say no. When someone reaches out to you, it’s your decision whether to host. We want hosts to be in a healthy season of life and to have capacity to welcome strangers.
  • We desire hosts across the nation and around the world…and more than one host in the same area is great!

Take the next step

I’d like to open my home

If you’re an OCF member and want to join the Hospitality Home network, sign up by completing a short information form.

I’m traveling

If you’re traveling and would like to see if OCF has a Hospitality Home in your area, click the button for a current listing.