Be a guest on OCF Crosspoint
We’re looking for guests to join us on OCF Crosspoint, a podcast devoted to sharing stories of military life at the intersection of faith, family, and profession. Keep reading and fill out the form below if you’d like to be considered as a guest on the show. Requirements to be considered as a guest include:
- Agreement with OCF’s Mission and Vision.
- Preference given to those serving or who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Otherwise, guests should have topics/stories that are relevant to military life.
- Most importantly: A pulse, a mouth, and a story to share.
OCF’s Vision is the military community positively impacted through Christ-like leaders.
Our Mission is to engage military leaders in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christ-like service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.
OCF’s Vision is the military community positively impacted through Christ-like leaders.
Our Mission is to engage military leaders in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christ-like service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.
What’s Your Story?
Everyone has a story to tell. Stories of hardship, stories of hope. Stories of doubt, stories of faith. But no matter the story, these diverse experiences of military life can all be found at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.
Authenticity is key. Whether you’re a new believer or a seasoned saint, your story can impact and encourage others. Your story may also be a work in progress. Maybe you’re still struggling with something spiritually or professionally. Everyone’s intersection of faith, family, and profession looks different.
Some guests have found it easier to focus their story on a topic. If you’re having trouble thinking about the story you’d want to share, here are 12 topics to consider:
- Identity and Idols: Where are you placing your identity—in Christ, in your profession, in your family, or some other place? What has God revealed about where you place your identity? What idols have you erected in your life or career?
- Imposter Syndrome: Similar to Identity and Idols, do you have a story in which you felt inadequate to carry out your calling, be it spiritual or professional? How did you respond?
- Failure: We’ve all failed at some point, in some way. What did that look like for you? What have you learned (or are still learning) through failure? How is God restoring you?
- Small Groups and Small Group Leaders: How do you start a Bible study? How do you lead one? Maybe you have questions. Maybe you’re struggling with gaining traction in our own group. Maybe you have great TTPs to pass along to others to help them get started.
- Struggles as a Believer: Very similar to Faith and Profession, but this topic focuses on primarily external struggles to one’s faith—at every rank. What struggles did you face along the way, whether a JO, FGO, or Flag Officer? How has it looked each step of the way to be a military leader and follower of Christ? This topic is for everyone, whether you’re just starting your career or have crossed the finish line.
- Faith and Profession: This is a broad one. Think of a time when you struggled integrating your faith and profession. What did that look like? How were you challenged? What did you learn?
- Mentoring: Whether you’re looking for a mentoring relationship or already are a mentor to others, what is the importance of Christian mentoring to believers serving in the military?
- Dating and Relationships: Maybe you’re looking for a godly relationship, or maybe you’re in one now. What does dating look like for the military professional in 2025? How does one pursue God and maintain sexual integrity in their relationship? What about singleness?
- Challenges of transition: Whether PCSing or deploying, what challenges do such transitions place on one’s faith? For those who have served many years already, what helped you during these times of transitions? Where did you fail and why?
- Leadership: There are all sorts of leadership training one receives as an officer in the military. But what lessons in Christ-like leadership have you learned? Where do you struggle?
- Building Character and Integrity: In your life and career, where were you challenged in the areas of character and integrity? How did you build your character muscle? What difficulties have you experienced maintaining a Christ-like character?
- Addictive Behaviors: When has an addiction to a substance, a struggle with pornography, or something else cost you in your life or profession? How can one combat the various temptations and addictions in our culture?
Maybe you have a story that focuses on another topic than listed here. Let’s talk further.
Ready to be a Guest?
If you are ready to submit your name and story as a potential future episode of OCF Crosspoint, just fill out the short form below.