Planned Giving

Over the past few years, many of our members and friends have been very gracious in remembering OCF in their wills and trust, and many more have asked for input on how that could include OCF in their plans. As a result, we arranged for friends like you to benefit from the free services of PhilanthroCorp that works exclusively in the areas of planned giving.

Donate online

You can give a monthly or one-time gift online through the OCF MinistryLINQ web page.

Mail your gift to the Home Office

You can support OCF by mailing in your gift. When issuing personal or business checks, please make your check payable to “Officers’ Christian Fellowship of the USA” and indicate your preferred fund on the memo line. Checks received without instructions on the memo line will be designated towards general ministry operations – where most needed. If your financial institution is sending a check on your behalf, be sure to indicate your preferred fund on the giving instructions through your financial institution prior to having them process and issue the gift to OCF. Our mailing address is:
OCF Home Office
4050 Lee Vance Drive, Suite 330
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Support us through Vehicle Donation

You can partner with us by donating your used car, truck, motorcycle, RV, trailer, boat, airplane, off road vehicle, heavy equipment, and other motorized vehicles. OCF’s vehicle donation program follows a simple process that will save you precious time (because you won’t have to sell your vehicle yourself), and the proceeds from the sale will directly benefit our vision to see the military community positively impacted through Christ-like leaders.

Start now by calling 877-999-8322 or clicking on “Donate Now” below. You’ll be redirected to our CARS giving form, which includes FAQs on how it works.

OCF Honor & Memorial Program

Who is the hero you honor?

Honor the memory of a loved one or friend, or celebrate a special occasion by making a donation to OCF. Your gift will help the ministry of OCF in its work to encourage military men, women, and families around the world. If provided information about whom to notify, we will send a personalized letter to the honoree or family of the one being memorialized.

Start a Fundraiser on Facebook

You can also support OCF by setting up a personal fundraising page on Facebook. With so many people using Facebook, the fundraiser page is a great way to spread the word about OCF to those who may not be familiar with OCF. This new Facebook feature is easy to set up and use.

Support OCF during your trips to the grocery store

Several regional grocery stores offer Community Rewards Programs that enable shoppers to support a nonprofit of their choice with every trip. When you enroll in this program and select Officers’ Christian Fellowship as your preferred organization, grocery stores will donate 5% of your purchases directly towards Officers’ Christian Fellowship. This means that as you shop for your everyday needs, you contribute effortlessly to the OCF’s mission and vision at no added cost to you. Find your region’s grocery store and OCF’s organization number below, then click on the link find the instructions to enroll in that store’s respective program.

CO: King Soopers/City Market Community Rewards Program, OCF’s Organization Number: AR134

KS/MO/NE: Dillons/Baker’s/Gerbes Community Rewards Program, OCF’s Organization Number: GK884

Charleston, WV/Roanoke, VA/Richmond, VA: Kroger Community Rewards Program, OCF’s Organization Number: PB848

Atlanta, GA/Huntsville, AL/Knoxville, TN/Nashville, TN: Kroger Community Rewards Program, OCF’s Organization Number: CI263

Indianapolis, IN/Ft. Wayne, IN/South Bend, IN: Kroger Community Rewards Program, OCF’s Organization Number: LT446

Give via text

Text “GIVE” to (719) 581-5504. Follow the prompts and fill out the giving form to submit your gift, then save our text giving number in your phone for easy access. Be sure to save your phone number on file while making your first text gift. With a phone number on file, you can accelerate the giving process by simply texting a dollar amount to our text giving number (ex: 50, 50.00). You can also text “KEYWORD” to receive a list of available funds. If you text an amount + fund name, your gift will be attributed to that fund (ex: ROTC 50, ROTC 50.00).