Pacific Northwest
Includes Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, and Northern California

Larry and Bobbie Simpson are the OCF Pacific Northwest Regional Coordinator staff couple. The heart of the PNW position is to develop, grow, and sustain relationships with OCF members, chaplains, and ministry co-laborers.
Larry and Bobbie are catalysts advancing the Lord’s Kingdom by engaging military members, couples, and OCF local and area leaders. They build relationships that help military members live out their Christian faith while serving in the military. Having served on OCF’s staff since 2006, the Simpsons have led OCF’s Family Outreach ministry and are co-founders and writers of Spiritually Smart Family marriage enrichment conferences and seminars.
Larry retired from the US Air Force in 2003 in the rank of Colonel, following 27 years of active duty service. He served as a human resource management officer and commanded various units throughout his career. He holds a BA in Psychology, an M.Ed in Counselor Education, and an MA in Christian Leadership.
Bobbie is a career high school English teacher, having taught students at high schools throughout their active duty service. She instructed Advanced Placement classes and was once recognized by students as Teacher of the Year. Bobbie holds a BA in English with a minor in Journalism and an MA in Education. She leads numerous women’s Bible studies and mentors women in living worthy of their calling.
The Simpsons credit their own growth as a couple and success in marriage to early participation in various, small group and in-home Bible studies. According to Larry and Bobbie, “Successful marriage is a union of three – husband, wife and Christ.” Married since 1977, the Lord blessed Larry and Bobbie with three children and six grandchildren. Larry and Bobbie reside in Puyallup, WA. They are also the authors of Leader, Draw Near – Devotions for your Pursuit of God. You can find the LDN podcast here.
Pacific Northwest
Includes Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Alaska, Hawaii, and Northern California

Col Larry & Bobbie Simpson, USAF (Ret.)
Larry and Bobbie Simpson are the OCF Pacific Northwest Regional Coordinator staff couple. The heart of the PNW position is to develop, grow, and sustain relationships with OCF members, chaplains, and ministry co-laborers.
Larry and Bobbie are catalysts advancing the Lord’s Kingdom by engaging military members, couples, and OCF local and area leaders. They build relationships that help military members live out their Christian faith while serving in the military. Having served on OCF’s staff since 2006, the Simpsons have led OCF’s Family Outreach ministry and are co-founders and writers of Spiritually Smart Family marriage enrichment conferences and seminars.
Larry retired from the US Air Force in 2003 in the rank of Colonel, following 27 years of active duty service. He served as a human resource management officer and commanded various units throughout his career. He holds a BA in Psychology, an M.Ed in Counselor Education, and an MA in Christian Leadership.
Bobbie is a career high school English teacher, having taught students at high schools throughout their active duty service. She instructed Advanced Placement classes and was once recognized by students as Teacher of the Year. Bobbie holds a BA in English with a minor in Journalism and an MA in Education. She leads numerous women’s Bible studies and mentors women in living worthy of their calling.
The Simpsons credit their own growth as a couple and success in marriage to early participation in various, small group and in-home Bible studies. According to Larry and Bobbie, “Successful marriage is a union of three – husband, wife and Christ.” Married since 1977, the Lord blessed Larry and Bobbie with three children and six grandchildren. Larry and Bobbie reside in Puyallup, WA. They are also the authors of Leader, Draw Near – Devotions for your Pursuit of God. You can find the LDN podcast here.