
Not Just Surviving

When you hear the word deployment, what other words come to mind? Demanding, exhausting, lonely? Opportunity, growth, learning? Maybe you’re telling yourself, “We’ll just have to go through it!” The question is, who will go through it with you? Thriving, Not Just Surviving: Deployment Perspectives for Today’s Military Families is a Bible study specifically for women whose husbands are deployed.

The highly personal stories in this book tell of a Savior who is willing to go through your spouse’s deployment with you. These stories cover a wide range of experiences common to all spouses of deployed service members, regardless of branch of service, rank, or spiritual maturity. There are also study questions designed to help you apply the authors’ insights to your own situation and go deeper with God.

There is a Savior who wants teo go on this journey with you. He knows the path you must take. Hold tightly to His hand.

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