Amanda Yashack, part 2: “God is healing me and he is giving me my life back”
In this episode, Amanda concludes her story by sharing how God began to radically heal her heart and change her life through a series of events.
In this episode, Amanda concludes her story by sharing how God began to radically heal her heart and change her life through a series of events.
Capt Amanda Yashack, USAFR, talks about how her life spiraled out of control when she was in ROTC, largely as a result of the trauma she experienced after a sexual assault, and then how that led to burnout, compartmentalizing her pain, and as she calls it…rock bottom.
Only by trusting God and His plan for our lives can we lead courageously in our duty as both officers and Christians. It’s time to build a strategy that calculates the risks of leadership minefields and faces them with a moral courage that matches the bravery of those we lead on the battlefield.
When I was on the faculty of the Army War College one of my favorite questions to ask visiting senior leaders, was "What are you reading right now?"
There are no guarantees that any of us will be promoted. But we do have the assurance that we can rest in Him.
Life is full of disappointments, difficulties, and distress. It comes in many ways: relational conflicts, job issues, financial concerns, illness, injury, tragedy and a host of other predicaments. It is challenging, even as a Christian, to respond positively to these trials.
Every time that I struggle with times in my life where God is stretching me, I remember to simply, "wax the car…sand the floor."