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The Role of Faith

[…]that will honor the Lord.”5 Denise McColl said, “A good friend once told me, ‘Pray as if everything depended on God; work as if everything depended on you!’ Applying this concept works wonders during deployment!”6 Sue Roberts advises separated families to “not pray for an easy life; pray to be a strong person.”7 Admiral Grady Jackson said, “In many ways I’ve never been closer spiritually to my family than when I’ve been away from them for extended periods, because those are the times I fully put them into the Lord’s hands. When we move out in the job that the […]

The Role of the Chaplain

[…]Christian worship leaders and space for worship. You should not be surprised if your chaplains, even though devout Christians, are interested in caring for non-Christians and atheists. You should not deter them from assisting non-Christian groups to secure worship leaders and worship space. These chaplains are doing what the U.S. government has commissioned them to do. The chaplains, however, do not have to lead or participate in these worship services of non-Christians. If you are a commander, do not assign your chaplains to lead worship in situations incompatible with their faith perspectives. Finally, you should not expect your chaplains to […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]had. In the rapid push north from Rome, however, I had neglected these men. I talked to them that evening about what it meant to me to believe in Jesus Christ; how He was my Saviour and could be theirs if they would open their hearts to Him. When I finished what I had to say, I went back to writing. Several of the men sat there and did not write any more. Some went over and lay down on their blankets on the floor. A month passed and some of these men joined our Bible study, and shortly thereafter, […]

Through A Glass Darkly

[…]in my heart to be different. I would do all I could to give my girls a sense of having a father, even if he wasn’t with them for months on end. Each day we talked about Daddy. We sent artwork and cookies to him and even made a tape or two. When the mailman brought a letter, it was a time for celebration. Daddy would send the girls kisses (they smooched the letter and giggled), and once he was able to send little treats. But it was, after all, a war, and Dad had to be gone. We began […]

Fervent Desire for Peace

[…]for close combat against the tares, was his trusty kabar. The knife found many peaceful uses, even mixing concrete for retaining walls and other construction projects. Eventually, soil and stone dulled and scarred his kabar. Peaceful employment transformed it over the years from a knife into a trowel. My father intuitively recognized that in life there are different seasons for different pursuits. When his weapon had completed its military service, it was properly suited for a nonviolent use. Man forms instruments for war. God changes them into tools of peace. That is at the heart of this promise in the […]

Man of the In-Between

[…]his countrymen and that which would harm them. You know the story. The giant fell, the enemy fled. Every sane individual seeks peace. We are all “pro-peace.” For that very reason, we must also be anti-bully. On occasion, conflict–yes, even the shedding of blood–is necessary to the securing of peace. So it was in entering the Promised Land — and at Christ’s first coming — and so will it be at His second advent. That’s at least part of the reason why (on a lesser plane, of course) we need the military services in our country and a military science […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]the chaplain had not arrived yet because of a special appointment. The command sergeant major, never wanting to hold things up necessarily, announced, “The chaplain isn’t here yet, so Colonel, you come on up and pray.” I did. Colonels obey command sergeants major if they are smart. Although we had never discussed it, he knew I would be comfortable praying because of the testimony of my life. In each of my assignments, I followed the same script of identifying myself as a Christian as part of my introduction. I also made it a habit to let my actions demonstrate my […]

Three Words

[…]first combat patrol. This confidence will help you do your duty as an officer–which is to do whatever is needed, whenever needed, regardless of your personal danger. You will find this confidence a continuous help and comfort as you walk into danger, and perhaps even more as you walk into danger again and again. “Jesus is Lord” will also affect how you fight, and how you train your soldiers to fight-with courage, skill, and aggressiveness, but also with compassion and restraint. I encourage you to make it a goal so that when you and the men and women you lead […]
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