Search results for "Contact"

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Interview with Chaplain Beach

[…]study of the New Testament. Here are some possible actions. Build a friendship and maintain contact with the chaplain regardless of differences in theology. Pray for and with one another when you can. Find positive ways to express and discuss your differences. Make OCF or personal ministries part of the Command Religious Program by staff procedures that show you are acting openly in accord with military customs and regulations. Participate in the chapel if you can. If God leads you to a local church, try to find ways to serve and ways to participate in events at the chapel. Adapted […]

Service Separations

[…]group from church or chapel, such as your local chapter of Protestant Women of the Chapel (contact your chaplain’s office for PWOC information). It may be from the local Officers’ Christian Fellowship (OCF) group, or Christian Military Fellowship (CMF) group. It may be from some Christian friends on the same street. In my case, OCF was the one place I could go by myself and not feel like a fifth wheel! If I was discouraged and frustrated (and no one is immune from this) OCF was the place where I could unload my troubles. Since Ididn’t work outside the home, […]
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