Search results for "EXSEL Discipleship program"

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Preparing for Active Duty

[…]wonderful fellowship and worship, solid Bible study and prayer times, meaningful one-on-one discipleship, inspiring retreats at Spring Canyon, strong Christian relationships, great food, and Rocky Mountain High. Clearly, these cadets had a great first experience with OCF! Then I asked them the same two questions I ask each new class of students at Maxwell: 1) What would happen if every flight commander, every squadron commander, every wing commander were “on fire” for the Lord Jesus? What would your Air Force look like? 2) How are you going to make a Kingdom difference during your career? OCF can be a key […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]for chapel shortcomings usually rests with us. If more Christians supported the command chapel program, it could also have dynamic programs and outreach opportunities. If you want to conduct outreaches that impact your unit, you need the chapel. Location and command “sponsorship” are the vital links. The chapel is not only strategically located where the troops are but also carries with it the authority of the command. The chapel is the spiritual center for unit-wide outreach. Lost Opportunities Officers make a decisive impact upon their units. The chapel is the only church body that is a part of the unit. […]

Interview with Chaplain Beach

[…]the spiritual welfare, of his personnel. That responsibility extends to insuring appropriate programs are provided. He is responsible for what occurs on his base. This means he will want to know and exercise approval or disapproval of programs. The special staff professional who is provided to assist him is the chaplain. Officers’ Christian Fellowship groups meeting or advertising on any base (including quarters areas) should submit to the military authority of the command via the chaplain. Any Christian commander will do well to know what groups are meeting on his base and what they are all about. When religious organizations […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]and the competition that sometimes occurs between them. Believers working together in a chapel program can proclaim the essential teachings of the gospel. John 17:21-23 tells us that all Christians are united in Christ. This includes Christians in all denominations, of all theological shades and spiritual persuasions. In the chapel the focus tends to be on the essential doctrines of Christian faith rather than on denominational distinctives. We need each other for growth as well as fellowship. The Holy Spirit has sovereignly distributed spiritual gifts to a variety of believers. We need one another’s gifts in order to live properly […]

Man of the In-Between

[…]warrior spirit must be righteously nurtured. There is a necessary place for it in a liberal arts program. A thousand years after David faced the giant at Elah, the greater son of David demonstrated the warrior spirit when he climbed a piece of high ground called calvary and faced off with the champion of evil, the bully of all bullies. Warrior that He is, our Christ stood between us and all that would destroy us, deliberately taking the full fury, and shedding His own blood for the rest of us. And, while the outcome was secured at calvary, our Savior’s […]
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