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[…]subscribe, select the "Subscribe on Android" button above. Your favorite application Copy the address found in the box above and paste into your favorite podcast application or news reader. Bookmark this podcast To bookmark this podcast site, press the "Ctrl" and "D" keys on your Windows keyboard, or “Command” + “D” for […]
[…]& Time: Tuesdays, 1300-1500 This fellowship meets in my home. Contact me for address and directions. Childcare is […]
[…]heart and mind all play out in OCF through our eight Spiritual Pillars. Pillars four and five address our key principles of being a “lay-led” ministry where “integrating faith and profession” is exhorted to our members. I believe the ability to shine the light of Christ effectively in the most difficult of our military careers’ situations depends upon how well we live out God’s instructions through Paul’s letter to the Philippians. We live in a hurting world of people desperate for answers. As a Christian, you already have the answer—Christ in your heart. If you have successfully guarded your face, […]