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Stretchmark Sorority

[…](Ps. 33:11 NASB). “. . .God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments” (Deut. 7:9 NASB). Sarah Hemingway is the mother of four grown children. She writes and speaks on the hilarious and sobering challenges of raising a happy Christian family. Sarah is the widow of LtCol Tom Hemingway, USMC, Ret., former director of ROTC ministries for […]

What Are Parents to Do?

[…]But he was soon back in the rhythm of daily weapons and equipment checks, soldier care and training, and continual patrols. A few months later, however, we received a call from Darren–he was wounded during a firefight. Darren sounded weak but, by the grace of God, the wounds were not critical. We didn’t take the news easily–unsettled by a mixture of fear and great thankfulness. We only wanted to physically be there with Darren, to comfort him, protect him, and suffer with him. But we couldn’t. We trusted in God, and three weeks later he returned to his platoon where […]

Why We Serve

[…]so you can share with God’s larger family. That family resides in your local church or chapel, in your OCF family, and with those whom the Lord loves but do not know Him. We serve our Lord by serving our nation, our family or prospective future family, and so that we have something that we can share with God’s people in need. But what is the greatest need? Why do we serve our God as Joshua exhorted? We serve our God because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross. We are blessed to be able, through our lives […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]build your local chapel into something that makes a difference for the kingdom. Instead of complaining that the chapel does not have the programs or outreaches that you and your family want/need, do something about it. Sit down with the chaplain. You will be surprised by the results. My family used to worship and fellowship at local churches. However, a few years ago, upon arriving at a new duty location, God used a chaplain to make it clear that He wanted us involved in the chapel. This chaplain was a strong advocate of the chapel. He explained that there was […]

Interview with Chaplain Beach

[…]a thorough study of the New Testament. Here are some possible actions. Build a friendship and maintain contact with the chaplain regardless of differences in theology. Pray for and with one another when you can. Find positive ways to express and discuss your differences. Make OCF or personal ministries part of the Command Religious Program by staff procedures that show you are acting openly in accord with military customs and regulations. Participate in the chapel if you can. If God leads you to a local church, try to find ways to serve and ways to participate in events at the […]
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