
Content and Media

Items on this page come from our various communications and podcasts.

  • CAPT Brent and Nicole Breining, USN (Ret.)

“Pursue at all costs”: Solutions, healing, & recovery from porn addiction

In part 4 of this series with Brent and Nicole Breining, we break down the three parts of addiction recovery and address why we can feel so discouraged by the time and effort required to heal, the value of understanding the nature of addiction regardless of personal experience, and the importance of addressing these sin struggles for the purpose of restoration rather than rejection.

June 21st, 2023|Categories: Episodes|Tags: |

June 2023 Prayer Focus

If we could see with spiritual eyes what surrounds the unseen of those spiritual commissioning ceremonies, in our humanity we would be aghast and terrified at the spiritual warfare taking place.

June 1st, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

May 2023 Prayer Focus

We are called to persevere, persist, and keep our eyes on Jesus, “to feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation,” and “to have the full assurance of hope until the end… of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

May 1st, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

April 2023 Prayer Focus

In Jesus, we receive eternal life because of His complete and total payment to remove the spiritual death sentence awaiting us if we died in our sin. His resurrection also set into motion the final countdown that is still unfolding toward God’s restoration of all things.

April 1st, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

OCF Hospitality Homes offer a way to ‘contribute to the needs of the saints’

Through OCF’s Hospitality Homes program, an established yet growing network of OCF members who are passionate about the Biblical mandate to “contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” (Romans 12:13) have signed up as Hospitality Home hosts, opening their homes to their fellow OCF members as a place to stay, offering a meal as they travel, and connecting in Christian fellowship.

March 29th, 2023|Categories: Connected, Latest Articles|

March 2023 Prayer Focus

Regardless of denomination, and before we can really celebrate what Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the grave means for each of us, we can never go wrong by taking a contemplative journey of repentance with Christ on His road of suffering.

March 7th, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

February 2023 Prayer Focus

The fundamentals of God’s Word must be revisited continually to readjust our stance not only for our effectiveness in the game plan Christ has established for us, but especially regarding biblical faith in Him.

February 1st, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

January 2023 Prayer Focus

It is in Christ alone that we find the identity that He intends us to operate and live in. We are made an entirely new creation, an entirely new person—not just someone refurbished or retooled.

January 1st, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Identity: Which label are you wearing?

Who am I? This question is foundational for all believers, because when we are saved by Jesus, we become a new person. Understanding the characteristics of our new nature is an ongoing process in living a life that reveals Jesus to the world.

January 1st, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles|

December 2022 Prayer Focus

We celebrate Christmas because God in mercy and kindness delivered on His promise to send us a Savior in His Son Jesus Christ, who will bring the fullness of salvation to all who will receive Him.

December 1st, 2022|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|

Part 1: Being a leader of character / Lead to serve, serve to lead

Our panel discusses how leaders can approach employing God’s Word effectively, integrating the calling to serve in uniform and the calling to serve the Lord, and leading in times of crisis. The cornerstone of being an effective leader who can do these three things well, they assert, is being a leader of character.

November 11th, 2022|Categories: Episodes, Godly Character, Military Leadership|Tags: |

November 2022 Prayer Focus

It's amazing to think that thanksgiving was in Jesus’ heart and on His tongue to His Father as He knowingly, steadfastly walked right into what it would cost Him physically, emotionally, and spiritually to procure salvation for sinful humanity. Within moments, those He had dined and worshipped God with—who He had just conferred a special place at His table and on thrones in His coming eternal kingdom (Luke 22:28-30)—would betray, abandon, and deny knowing Him.

November 1st, 2022|Categories: Latest Articles, Prayer Focus|
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