Search results for "Air Force"

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The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]it is to have God’s man or woman leading a Coast Guard rescue mission, serving in a top secret Air Force assignment, directing the actions of a Marine reconnaissance patrol, contributing to a high-level meeting on Army personnel policy, commanding a Trident submarine, or flying the Space Shuttle! Backed by the prayers of fellow believers, such officers have unique opportunities to share the truth and love of Jesus Christ. The line of decision and command responsibility runs through the line officer. As staff officers, chaplains recommend and advise. Even their spiritual ministry, however, is justified by the military as part […]

The Lord—your refuge in a high optempo

by By Brigadier General David Warner, United States Air Force, Retired When’s the last time you had more than an hour—thirty minutes— to yourself to be still? And not napping, catching a movie, or having a quiet dinner with your spouse, but an uninterrupted period of time just enjoying being in the presence of the Lord?   Last summer I took part in OCF’s Rocky Mountain High outdoor leadership program. After a two-day trek, on the eve of summiting a 14er in the Rockies, we reached timberline. This marks the time and place where everyone stops—to catch their breath and […]

The Role of Faith

[…]and know what you’re feeling. The chaplaincy was the second-most deployed career field in the Air Force in recent years. Who could be better equipped to help you through tough times? God and His representatives stand ready to meet your needs. 1 USAF Chaplain Service Institute, Link, 29. 2 Beach, “Enduring and Prospering in Your Military Calling,” 5. 3 Paap, 29. 4 Ibid, 82. 5 Beach, Captain Stan J., Chaplain, U.S. Navy (Retired). “Praise the Lord Anyway.” COMMAND (Fall 1989) Vol. 38, No. 3: 3. 6 McColl, Denise. “Making the Most of Deployments: A Wife’s Perspective.” COMMAND, (Fall 1989) Vol. […]

TTP – Vision and Leadership

[…]philosophy My philosophy as a leader is based on the core values of the United States Air Force as a common frame of reference for those under my charge. Our core values, of course, are “Integrity First,” “Service Before Self,” and “Excellence In All We Do.” We will apply these for the purpose of guiding expected norms of performance and expected standards of behavior for our organization. From these core values, we will focus on two areas that will drive our performance and behaviors. These focus areas are training and readiness. Emphasis and excellence in these areas will result in […]

War Eagle, Iraq

by Chaplain Mark Johnston Seated in the small plywood chapel outside Baghdad, praying men and women felt compelled to thank the Lord for sparing life in the 1st Brigade Combat Team thus far while deployed in harm’s way. Members openly prayed and thanked the Lord for His sovereign grace. Intercession was voiced aloud. At the conclusion of the service, staff officers arrived and informed us that one of our soldiers had just been shot outside of Ur — the very place Abraham left in obedience to follow the living God. The soldier who was shot was on a humanitarian mission […]

What Are Parents to Do?

[…]we were thankful the call we received wasn’t about Darren, we grieved. Don went to Dover Air Force Base for the repatriation of the remains, and we attended the memorial service, and the funeral at Arlington. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. […]

What is Required of Me?

[…]and ambassador. Good luck and Godspeed. by Lieutenant General Bruce L. Fister, United States Air Force, Retired, OCF Executive Director from 2000 to 2010 Co-authored with Colonel R. Michael Tesdahl, USA, Retired, OCF Director of Operations   [i] Nouwen, Henri J.M., The Way of the Heart, New York: Random House Publishing, 2003, p. 2. [ii] Barnes, Rev. Paul, Senior Pastor, Grace Chapel, Englewood, Colorado, sermon May 1, 2005 [iii] Leadership progression inspired by Clarke, General Bruce C., “Leadership-Commandership-Generalship-Followership,” in Armor, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Armor Association, Sep-Oct 1963, p. 16. [iv] Strobel, Lee, God’s Outrageous Claims, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing […]

What you do and how you lead does matter

by David B. Warner, OCF Executive Director   Congratulations to the OCF Class of 2012! We who have gone before welcome you to the profession of arms and the start of your great race the Lord has set before you. Crossing the threshold, you now carry two commissions simultaneously: one conferred on you from our Commander in Chief and one from the King of kings.    You are now a Christian officer. Notice that “Christian” is in the adjectival position; your Christianity is preeminent and modifies, shapes everything else you do. As you launch out on your race, you can […]
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