Search results for "born again"

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Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]to collapse. Then everything became quiet. The antiaircraft fire could be heard in the distance again, and what had begun so quickly, was over just as quickly. We checked to see that everyone was all right. The houses on both sides of us had direct hits, and the house that we were in was damaged. But there were letters to be finished, so back upstairs we went and discovered to our joy that the enemy bombs had missed our writing room. I pulled the candle out of my shirt and lighted it. We were ready to begin where we had […]

Through A Glass Darkly

[…]warned. Don’t expect too much, another said. It’ll take time, but they’ll start all over again. With that advice, I purposed in my heart to be different. I would do all I could to give my girls a sense of having a father, even if he wasn’t with them for months on end. Each day we talked about Daddy. We sent artwork and cookies to him and even made a tape or two. When the mailman brought a letter, it was a time for celebration. Daddy would send the girls kisses (they smooched the letter and giggled), and once he […]

Fervent Desire for Peace

[…]their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2:3-4). Today the world finds itself in the midst of a global war against terrorism. The enemy’s cowardly forces avoid facing an armed adversary, preferring to wage war on the defenseless. And once again, we are vividly reminded of a lasting truth. Only when our Lord returns to usher us into the fullness of His Kingdom, will we be free to lay aside–for all time–the weapons with which we now defend peace. In the […]

Three Words

[…]continuous help and comfort as you walk into danger, and perhaps even more as you walk into danger again and again. “Jesus is Lord” will also affect how you fight, and how you train your soldiers to fight-with courage, skill, and aggressiveness, but also with compassion and restraint. I encourage you to make it a goal so that when you and the men and women you lead come home from war, you come home with nothing to be ashamed of. “Jesus is Lord” will add a dimension of ministry to your life. Through chapels, OCF, and other forums, you will […]
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