Search results for "But if not"

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Man of the In-Between

[…]using strong-arm tactics to terrorize smaller children. Yes, we complained. In fact, we begged. But time after time “negotiation” failed. Nothing seemed to work. Until one day one of us gathered the courage to stand up to him. Lying flat on his back Jimmy experienced an amazing change of perspective. He suddenly saw the logic in leaving the little people alone. Bullies never seem to quit until someone takes the initiative to stand between them and their victims. Recall Goliath, or Hitler, or Saddam, or the devil himself. The Christian warrior is the “man of the in-between.” With mind and […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]we got along fine. I know of one other drill sergeant who reacted to my statement. He was not a Christian, and he decided to watch me to see if I lived up to my words. That’s the scary part of identifying yourself as a Christian-you put yourself on display. This was one of our best NCOs. We eventually sent him to be an instructor at the drill sergeant academy, a reward for and testimony to his character and performance. Three years later we had both moved on to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. When he heard that I was on […]

Three Words

[…]a blessing for my young wife to hear that from one who had simply observed the difference in my life–a difference that was the result of my imperfect, but sincere determination that Jesus would be the Lord of my life. I was faithful to Sandra because I loved her and did not want to hurt her, as much as I loved my Lord and did not want to bring dishonor to His name. In this, as in all other areas, Jesus must be Lord. And as He is Lord, there will be integrity in your life. “Jesus is Lord” will […]
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