Search results for "2 TIMOTHY"

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Truth and the Christian Leader

[…]In a word: Everything! The leader often finds himself or herself in a position to judge matters. 2 Timothy 2:15 encourages diligence, which leads to right decisions and honorable handling of truth. Essentially, practicing truth helps one hold a straight course. Consider other benefits of practicing and requiring integrity in those one leads: The Christian leader who upholds truth standards helps others do likewise He or she protects the integrity of institutions established by God The Christian leader sends a compelling message to others to “put off falsehood” and to speak truth to every man. (Ephesians 4:25) As with Peter, […]

Reignited Service

[…]Is it trepidation, apprehension, alarm, or dread? Whatever your definition, that is the side of 2 Timothy 1:7 you need to address. My synonym for fear is anxious. I think I fear little, but I admit that I can get anxious about a thing or two. As recently as yesterday, I became anxious over an issue. Then I read 2 Timothy 1:1-14 for a full appreciation of Paul’s response to Timothy’s fear. Paul acknowledged that Timothy’s “sincere faith” (verse 5) was in need of a fresh rekindling (verse 6). God reminded me that dwelling within me is the antidote to […]

Superhero’s Faith

[…]Dangerous Wonder: The Adventure of Childlike Faith, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2003), 58 4 2 Timothy 2:13 5 1 John 4:16 6 Mathew 18:4   Jim Freeze is a First Class Cadet at the United States Military Academy (USMA ’05) and the Cadet-In-Charge of OCF at West Point this year. He wrote this devotion to all of OCF at the beginning of the school year to encourage his fellow cadets to fall in love with Jesus again and renew their relationship with the Father. Jim branched Armor in October and expects to get stationed at Ft. Hood, TX after graduation this […]

Unity of Command

[…](John 17:21). One critical way believers live in unity is to pray for our leaders. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 the apostle Paul exhorts us to pray for those in authority over us. Through intercessory prayer for our leaders, believers unify with God and with each other against both military and spiritual forces. Here’s one last example to illustrate spiritual UOC. In a joint military environment, one commander commands bombers, tanks, and ships. One of those components is no better or worse than any other. They follow and trust the leadership of their one commander. So, too, the church: believers must […]

Three Looks

[…]situation? Who is a possible Barnabas figure—someone who can encourage you? Who is a possible Timothy—someone you can invest in? What books and articles do you plan to read to help keep yourself sharp? What would you like God to do in the lives of your new superiors, chain of command, peers, and subordinates? What do you want to trust God for in this new role? As you enter each phase of your leadership journey, I encourage you to take these three looks. Look back on where you’ve been. You’ll be reminded that God was indeed acting as you led—and […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]the washing of the Word” (vss. 26, 27, 29). For wives– Adapt yourselves to your husbands (vs. 22 24, (Amplified)). Respect your husbands (vs. 33). Your relationship with your children PSALM 127:3-5. Children are a special gift from God. A military professional knows arrows are weapons of war that must be given particular care. We have a special responsibility to care for and train our children. 3 JOHN 4. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth! ” John is speaking of spiritual children, but God’s Word continually uses family examples that […]
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