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The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]Finally, since you’ll have this background, you’ll be able to focus more time on getting to know the chaplain personally. A chapel ministry offers a springboard for expansion for Christ’s kingdom within the military. In the two to three years you spend at a duty station, you can mature in your own Christian life and witness among military people so that you’ll be more effective as a professional officer and as a spiritual leader. What is your vision for the expansion of Christ’s church? Does it include people from all corners of America, from all cultures of mankind, and from […]

The Role of Faith

[…]or war will deal with its members’ fears. People often turn to God during crisis. In the media coverage during recent missions, there were constant public references to prayer and looking to God for help. Faith gives people the hope and courage they need to get through trials. The realization that you have no control over your circumstances may draw you to God for the first time, or possibly back to God. “The power is in the Person to whom faith clings. . . . The great things that come about through crisis are not the result of ‘great faith’ […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]and what had begun so quickly, was over just as quickly. We checked to see that everyone was all right. The houses on both sides of us had direct hits, and the house that we were in was damaged. But there were letters to be finished, so back upstairs we went and discovered to our joy that the enemy bombs had missed our writing room. I pulled the candle out of my shirt and lighted it. We were ready to begin where we had left off, but I had one resolve to act on before I wrote another line. Crouched […]

Through A Glass Darkly

[…]They’ll forget whatever they learn at this age, but later when they get older they’ll get to know him. As a result of this thinking, many of God’s delightful toddlers begin their framework of life without the security and knowledge of a God who’s bigger than any thunderstorm or imagined monster in a closet. Parents wait until they’re older, but no one is really sure when that time is. Suddenly they find out that when Jason or Jessie is older, he’s far too cool to be interested in our Father. As mothers and dads, we have a wonderful opportunity to […]

Fervent Desire for Peace

[…]fullness of His Kingdom, will we be free to lay aside–for all time–the weapons with which we now defend peace. In the meantime, in my office I have a precious reminder of this comforting Messianic promise. It is a weapon– turned tool– now retired. Robert Stroud is a Lutheran pastor who serves as a chaplain in the United States Air Force. His father, Sergeant Major Charles Stroud, a veteran of Korea and Vietnam, retired from the United States Marine Corps. Charles Alley served in the Fifth Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, the same regiment as Chaplain Stroud’s great grandfather. Stroud hosts a […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]a brother but expected the same from him as from any other drill sergeant, we got along fine. I know of one other drill sergeant who reacted to my statement. He was not a Christian, and he decided to watch me to see if I lived up to my words. That’s the scary part of identifying yourself as a Christian-you put yourself on display. This was one of our best NCOs. We eventually sent him to be an instructor at the drill sergeant academy, a reward for and testimony to his character and performance. Three years later we had both […]
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