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Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]in my execution of SPIRITUAL planning (1 Timothy 4:7-8). Make no mistake, physical and military training must be done to accomplish the mission, to establish our credibility as professional warriors, and to give the men entrusted to our care the best chance for survival. We must also train as ambassadors with similar vigor. Following our spiritual pre-deployment training and planning, we must then follow through during the deployment itself. As we seek to train for godliness and prepare for spiritually dry times, it is good to start with assumptions about the nature of the spiritual environment at our projected deployed […]

How Shall We Pray?

[…]with the Lord, both from inside the body and from the culture in which we live. Each day in the OCF Home Office we have devotions and a time of prayer to honor the requests from OCF members and families living and serving around the world. This is our most important work of the day and we are committed to honor each request. Because our prayer ministry is so important and foundational to what we do in OCF, I have asked myself, how should we pray? There is not an easy answer simply because so many people are stressed, attacked, […]

I Only See Green

by 1LT Kevin Polosky, USA “I only see green” is a phrase often heard in the U.S. Army. It’s Army jargon used to deal with racism and sexism: instead of seeing black or white skin, males or females, we only see a person in a uniform. We treat all fellow servicemen and women with the same respect, no matter color or sex. Jesus might have had a saying like this one, “I only see hearts.” Nothing on the outside of people seemed to matter to Him. Paul wrote, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, […]

Implicit Trust

[…]emerges the story of how the Emperor Napoleon was on horseback, reviewing his troops one day when, in the course of issuing an order, he inadvertently dropped the reins. The reins fell on the stud’s neck and the spirited animal, taking fright, bolted off at a gallop, the Emperor clinging desperately to the saddle and momentarily in peril of being dashed to the ground. A private in the ranks, alert to his Emperor’s plight and perceiving that the horse and rider were proceeding in his general direction, stepped out of formation and, springing into the path of the frightened animal, […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]can be a key to answering that question. Upon commissioning from an Academy, ROTC or Officer Training School, check the leader list on the OCF website and link up with the OCF leader at your new duty station. If there is no OCF leader shown at the base to which you are being assigned, the home office can provide a list of OCF members in the area. Perhaps they can put you in contact with an ongoing study. If there is no OCF study, ask God if you should start one. A wealth of “user friendly” Bible study material is […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]Fathers and sons from everywhere, some military and some civilians. Wonderful mix. More stars in the sky than you imagine! Ready for some sleep. Brian is fired up. Wakeup 0525 with daylight + the birds outside. Slept well. Cleanup, shower is great! Brian moves slowly in the morning. Most of the dads are moving before their sons. Go figure. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Camp volunteers are wonderful. Dozens of hummingbirds outside the lodge at the feeders. First activity is volleyball. Brian is pretty good. I didn’t realize he played that well. Much fun and laughter. Grilled cheese sandwiches and […]

Why We Serve

[…]God because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross. We are blessed to be able, through our lives in the military, to demonstrate the message of salvation to those who have not heard or received it. It was by God’s grace through faith that we were brought fully into His family and presence. Our love for Him motivates us to serve Him in our military, to serve and work for our families, and to serve and work to enable the message of salvation to reach those who have yet to accept Him as Lord and Savior. As Jesus […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]build your local chapel into something that makes a difference for the kingdom. Instead of complaining that the chapel does not have the programs or outreaches that you and your family want/need, do something about it. Sit down with the chaplain. You will be surprised by the results. My family used to worship and fellowship at local churches. However, a few years ago, upon arriving at a new duty location, God used a chaplain to make it clear that He wanted us involved in the chapel. This chaplain was a strong advocate of the chapel. He explained that there was […]

Interview with Chaplain Beach

[…]of their affiliation. Misunderstandings Chaplains are under the authority of their church in the conduct of their ministry. Their role, in this sense, is like that of any biblically based pastor: to win, train, and encourage believers. Credibility within both the military setting and the Christian community is essential to accomplish this. The Christian officer, unaware of this duality, can easily become unjustly critical of chaplains’ attempts to fulfill their military role well. Many want them to be chaplains first and officers second. The reality is that they are both, simultaneously. A second misunderstanding is, who owns the chapel program. […]

Letter to My Sergeant

[…]III, USA You fell on the battlefield today, and we grieved. You were so full of promise, and in the prime of life. You impressed me with your technical competence and prowess with digital systems. Your recent induction into the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club indicated that you had “what it takes.” Now, seriously wounded, it will be some time before you return to duty. I want you to know that I’m praying for your full recovery. Your wounds came during spiritual battle, but they can be even more damaging than wounds to the body. You were wounded by things hidden […]

Mortal Enemies

[…]of the Japanese Air Squadron, I made last-minute checks on the intelligence information reports in the Operations Room before going to warm up my single-engine “97-type” plane. The sunrise in the east was magnificent above the white clouds as I led 360 planes towards Hawaii at an altitude of 3,000 meters. I knew my objective: to surprise and cripple the American naval force in the Pacific. I gave no thought of the possibility of this attack breaking open a confrontation with the United States. I was only concerned about making a military success. “Plunge in to Attack” As we neared, […]

Re-entry Reminders

by Ilene Stubbs Editor’s Note: With the U.S. pullout from Iraq by year’s end, returning military men and women and their families will be challenged with unique deployment and re-entry issues. Ilene Stubbs offers suggestions–and the timelessness of God’s wisdom–for managing the process of reunion and readjustment.   Normal has changed for everyone. Be patient–it takes time to get into a routine. Soldiers haven’t been on a vacation. Expect your household to be different. Keep life as routine as possible. Take time to re-adjust to one another. Go slowly. Communicate feelings. Anxiety is normal. Discuss frustrations. Accept that we are […]

Service Separations

[…]fellowship. If they don’t, your own life and attitude can be a testimony to them of the sustaining power of God. One wife, when asked what was the hardest thing about separations, replied, “The physical work!” If you have one of those marvelous help-out-around-the-house husbands, the extra responsibilities when he is gone can be considerable. If the budget can possibly stand it, this might be the time to hire some help, possibly on a once a week basis. You might offer to cut back in some other areas to make it possible. During one tour we were able to manage […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]of situations. On field maneuvers, in hangar bays and electrical repair shops, on adventure training trips, in professional development classes and counseling sessions, in front-line combat, or in the day-to-day routines of office work — non-believers and Christians work together with the common goal of contributing to the security of our nation. The close relationships that grow out of these situations may offer opportunities for Christians to share spiritual truth. Many times they have been used by the Holy Spirit to draw people to Christ. Nonbelievers think of the chaplain as one who is “paid to talk about Christ.” They […]

The Role of Faith

by Carol Vandesteeg Many people feel emptiness or gaps in their lives when their families are separated or are in uncertain circumstances. That empty feeling can be turned into something positive. “. . . Times of separation are not a total loss, nor are they completely unprofitable for our companionship. . . In spite of all the difficulties they bring, they can be a wonderful means of strengthening and deepening fellowship. . . We must commit our loved ones wholly and unreservedly to God and leave them in his hands, transforming our anxiety for them into prayers on their behalf” […]

The Role of the Chaplain

[…]I think you should expect a godly person who: Is honest and ethical Really cares about the people in the unit, willing to face opposition in order to make their lot more livable. Will die with you and will not run away. Will pray for and with you as you lie dying or wounded–willingly go where needed, no matter how dangerous that place may be. Knows the different religious practices and beliefs of the people in your unit Is an enthusiastic contributor to the mission and morale of your organization, but one who will let you know when there are […]

Fervent Desire for Peace

[…]the tares, was his trusty kabar. The knife found many peaceful uses, even mixing concrete for retaining walls and other construction projects. Eventually, soil and stone dulled and scarred his kabar. Peaceful employment transformed it over the years from a knife into a trowel. My father intuitively recognized that in life there are different seasons for different pursuits. When his weapon had completed its military service, it was properly suited for a nonviolent use. Man forms instruments for war. God changes them into tools of peace. That is at the heart of this promise in the Book of Isaiah. “Many […]

Man of the In-Between

[…]for me to the single most potent educational experience of my life–a brief stint on active duty in the U.S. Army. In retrospect, military service proved to be more mindshaping for me than four years of college. And more soul-strengthening than seminary. As I write these words, I glance up at the wall above my computer–and smile. There are no sheepskins there. But there is a faded Ranger school diploma and an old set of Vietnamese jump wings. And pictures of young men. Hal Moore said it best, “We were soldiers once–and young.” We were soldiers for a lot of […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]to do so without creating any coercion or appearance of coercion. In 1991 I took command of a training battalion-the kind with 500 to 600 privates getting their first high-and-tight haircuts, and their introduction to the Army, sixty drill sergeants to give them that introduction, and a handful of officers and NCOs to support them. When I introduced myself to the drill sergeants, I included with my hobbies, family, and interests the fact that I am a Christian. I said I wanted them to know what shapes my values and behavior. I told them that, although I prayed that each […]

Three Words

by COL Alexander Shine, USA (Ret.) It was 12 May 1962. I was sitting in the mess hall where General Douglas MacArthur was to receive the Thayer Award. We knew we were in the presence of history. We were seeing and hearing one of the greatest soldiers of all time in what was his last visit to the alma mater he loved. You have most likely heard or read the speech, or at least this part of it: “Duty, honor, country. These three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.” […]
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