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What Works for New Officers?

[…]are you in the military? Have you ever thought of yourself as a highly paid missionary? TIP: Be the thermostat and not the thermometer. Effect your environment-don’t let it affect you. 4. If you get to your unit and can’t find a BIBLE STUDY, start one! See whom the Lord sends your way. Get support from your chaplains. Ask for their advice; they may even be able to buy study guides for your group. Start with an interesting study in which all can participate, like Luke or Philippians. Ask others for help. Make it fun, avoid controversial issues, and focus […]

Situational Awareness

[…]your career experience has seen unprecedented change. Your life has spanned the dependable pace of the Cold War, the revved up tempo of the 1990s peacekeeping and stability operations, and now the frenzy of the Global War on Terrorism. More than modernization, your byword is transformation. Each branch of service is undergoing major shifts in organization and culture. The impact of continuous change can leave service members and their families mentally adrift and stressed to the breaking point. You have great opportunities in this environment to provide the stability that only a relationship with Jesus Christ can bring.Standing Tactics, Techniques, […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]walk with the Lord suffered. I saw that God truly made us to be relational creatures. Hence, one of the natural effects of time spent with other Christians (whether realized at the time or not) is an increased ability to withstand temptation and walk victoriously in the Christian life. Because a robust Christian support network is often not available on deployments, godly ambassadorship during these times requires intentional vision and endurance. There are also other factors that cause godly ambassadorship on deployment to be more difficult: an increased operational tempo, less sleep, irregular eating habits, more demands/stress, and less alone […]

How Shall We Pray?

[…]from OCF members and families living and serving around the world. This is our most important work of the day and we are committed to honor each request. Because our prayer ministry is so important and foundational to what we do in OCF, I have asked myself, how should we pray? There is not an easy answer simply because so many people are stressed, attacked, wounded, separated, or discouraged. My first inclination is to ask, “Is this from you Lord? Is it fair? Why? and, Would you lift the burdens from the shoulders of my friends who are hurting?” My […]

I Only See Green

[…]you can’t battle racism with more racism. The Bible repeatedly says that Christ is the head of the church and we are the body. When I picture this body I don’t see a black arm, a brown leg and a white chest. I see a united group of believers praising their Lord Jesus Christ. We Christians need to set an example for non-believers to follow. It’s been said that the most segregated time in America is eleven o’clock on Sunday morning. We, as the faithful body of Christ, need to realize the ramifications of this. In the military we’re spoiled […]

Implicit Trust

[…]were proceeding in his general direction, stepped out of formation and, springing into the path of the frightened animal, seized the bridle, brought the horse to a stand and replaced the reins into the Emperor’s hands. In recognition and reward for the soldier’s devotion, Napoleon said, as he secured the reins in his hands, “Thank you, Captain.” Without hesitation the soldier came to attention, saluted his imperial master and inquired, “Of what regiment, sir?” Charmed by the soldier’s complete faith and unquestioning confidence in his word, the Emperor responded, “Of my own guards,” and then, turning his mount, he rode […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]cadets by asking them to describe their OCF experience at the Academy. What were the key elements of the ministry? Their responses included outstanding Christian role models, wonderful fellowship and worship, solid Bible study and prayer times, meaningful one-on-one discipleship, inspiring retreats at Spring Canyon, strong Christian relationships, great food, and Rocky Mountain High. Clearly, these cadets had a great first experience with OCF! Then I asked them the same two questions I ask each new class of students at Maxwell: 1) What would happen if every flight commander, every squadron commander, every wing commander were “on fire” for the […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]+ the birds outside. Slept well. Cleanup, shower is great! Brian moves slowly in the morning. Most of the dads are moving before their sons. Go figure. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Camp volunteers are wonderful. Dozens of hummingbirds outside the lodge at the feeders. First activity is volleyball. Brian is pretty good. I didn’t realize he played that well. Much fun and laughter. Grilled cheese sandwiches and more for lunch, delicious. Team building activities after lunch. We form two even groups. Competition! Very similar to field leadership reaction course (FLRC). Connect multiple picnic tables with 2X4s, cross your team […]

Why We Serve

[…](I Timothy 5:8). While Paul’s instruction at that time pertained to elderly members of the family, the application to your “immediate” or future family seems obvious. We work to provide for those whom God has directly entrusted to our care. But God has also entrusted to us a larger family. This responsibility also requires our service or work. In Ephesians 2:8 Paul said, “He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.” We are all doing something that is […]

Interview with Chaplain Beach

[…]staff responsibilities within a command. They are under the command officer’s authority in terms of these military duties. Second, each chaplain is ordained and endorsed by a specific denomination. Their ministry is to people from a myriad of backgrounds, regardless of their affiliation. Misunderstandings Chaplains are under the authority of their church in the conduct of their ministry. Their role, in this sense, is like that of any biblically based pastor: to win, train, and encourage believers. Credibility within both the military setting and the Christian community is essential to accomplish this. The Christian officer, unaware of this duality, can […]
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