Search results for "and the verdict is by david warner"

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OCF and Leadership

[…]message in OCF? Are we focusing on process in training leaders, or are we focusing on vision? Is the question going into an installation Pray, Discover, and Obey, “How many Bible studies do we need?” or is it,”How are we going to build Christian leaders…families…fellowships at our installation?” The first is a process question, the second is a vision-a leadership-question. Ephesians 4:11-16 talks about the leadership model of the church. God gifted some individuals to be apostles, others prophets, evangelists, or pastor/teachers. That is leadership. To what purpose? “…To prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body […]

Further insights from Mike and Angie Moyles

[…]your priorities straight. Whatever the struggle—aggression, depression, anger, etc.—the answer is the same: faith, family, fitness. Live by them. Every single day, without exception. Never give up. …Insights for those struggling with the how long and why me questions…  Forget the “how long do I have” question. Only One knows the answer—God. Some of the best doctors in the world gave me five years to live—seventeen years ago. Don’t focus on how long. Rather, live every single day as if it’s your last. Cancer or not, that might be the case. So maximize every minute. “Why me” is more difficult, […]

Finishing Strong, in Iraq and Life

[…]mission in Iraq went through its own evolutionary process, and now the finish looks like this: the U.S. presence in Iraq created the opportunity for a divided nation to unite democratically under one flag and voice. And If Iraq embraces this prospect through wise choices, they will pass on this freedom to their children. Our troops articulated this mission well. From the motor pool mechanic to the communications expert under antennas on dusty hills, they clearly understood the support they provided. During some of my unannounced visits to the troops’ work places, I heard them talk firsthand about how their […]
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